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Aug 2011

How can I see the affiliate code for companies that signed up to my affiliate program?

Some of the sellers would like some help with getting setup and I'd like to get their code and create some special banners, etc for them.


  • created

    Aug '11
  • last reply

    Aug '11
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The Common Hop Link URL follows a fairly simple format:


...where XXXXX is your Client ID (which you can find in your Seller Admin > View Account Summary), and YYYYY is their Affiliate ID (which they can find in their Affiliate Admin).

Product-specific Hop Links and Direct Links are a bit trickier, since those URLs reference the product's unique Resource ID in our database. That ensures the link will always work even if you customize the product's Item Number in Seller Admin.

Product-specific Hop Link URL:


Product-specific Direct Link URL:


...where ZZZZZ is the product's unique Resource ID. If you need these product-specific types of link, you could click your own affiliate sign-up link to join your own program, then click the Affiliates tab at the top of our site to reach Affiliate Admin and get the ii=ZZZZZ value for each product.

Thanks for the detail explanation.

However, I'm still not clear on my question - how I can find my partner affiliate ID (YYYY)?

I would like to provide some personal assistance in getting them setup without having them having to be too tech savvy. Does this make sense? I should be able to see my affiliates code right?

You don't really have access to the individual IDs of your affiliates. They can see this information on their Affiliate Admin screen when they are logged in, though. Their ID is displayed prominently on that screen.

I was wondering the same thing in reverse. I have seen some ebooks I would like to put on my site but would need a book cover picture etc. I guess we just contact the person we want to affiliate with? This is all new to me.

Yes, if you want to become a seller's affiliate but don't see any sign-up links posted to their site/page, they may not even have an affiliate program set up yet, so you might just contact them to inquire whether they may be interested in setting one up.

Okay, I guess that means I need to contact each affiliate. Is there a reason we don't have access to this information? Thus, making it easier to support affiliates.

Also, I think I posted this question elsewhere, but we also really need access to how many times an affiliate link has been clicked, not just sold. This is essential to see what's working for each affiliate and support those who need help.


Affiliates whose referrals have successfully converted to actual sales are listed in your Transaction Log by their Email and account ID.

Typically, affiliates who never convert a sale are either just too disinterested or unmotivated to bother actually promoting your program (they may be "idle joiners" with dollar signs in their eyes who didn't really expect to have to DO anything), or too technology-challenged to be much success at online marketing anyway. It may be a better ROI to focus on your successful affiliates and ask them what you can do to help them be even more successful; maybe they have ideas to improve the product presentation on your site to make it more enticing, or maybe they'd like an "official" banner image they can use in place of their link text, that sort of thing.

You might consider joining your own affiliate program by clicking your own sign-up link, so you can see exactly what your affiliates would see when they join your program. Your existing E-junkie login will work fine for this, rather than having to register a new account to join; you can use the Sellers and Affiliates tabs at the top of our site to pick which Admin you want to see at any given moment. As you will see, the Affiliate Admin is fairly simple and straightforward, so you'd do better to teach your affiliates how to fish (get their own code) rather than just giving them fish (sending them link code yourself).

Thanks for the thorough response.

I'm wondering though - do you not track how many times an affiliate link is clicked, not just converted?

Seems like a pretty useful analytic.

...oh, and they don't have to use the target="ejejcsingle" for it to work, right?

The target="ejejcsingle" just makes the link open in a separate window; it has nothing to do with how the link functions or how affiliate referrals are tracked otherwise.

Presently we do not track how many times affiliate links are clicked, although I think Development already has that on their wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature at some point in the future. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter how many times a link is clicked if that never results in (m)any actual sales; conversions count, but mere click-throughs, not so much.