4 / 4
Jan 2012

Hey there! I'm having problems with shipping. I have researched carts and shipping for over a month now and my head hurts! Here's what I want to do:

Is it possible to set a flat shipping rate per item, per country?

For example, Item #1 I sell for $60 with free shipping to the usa; $12 to

Canada; and $25 worldwide.

Item #2 I sell for $5.95 with $1.99 shipping to the USA; $3.99 to Canada;

and $7.99 worldwide.

So if someone from the USA buys both items, shipping would be $1.99; canada,

$15.99; worlwide $32.99.

Also, can the cart handle shipping discounts? ie 1st widget $1.99;, second


.99 etc.

Basically this is how eBay handles shipping, per item, per country with

discounted shipping for similar items.

Is this possible?

  • created

    Jan '12
  • last reply

    Jan '12
  • 3


  • 1.0k


  • 3


  • 2


Hi, please see our help page on shipping here:


With our features it is very easy to set flat rates per country using shipping rules, but those apply equally to all of your products. But if you just have two items that need different rates it might be possible to work that out according to weight settings.

If you could give us a complete run down of what your shipping costs need to be we can give you more specific instructions on how to implement them.

I sell a set of 6 hand grippers for $60 free shipping to USA, weight 3lbs 12 ounces

Say a customers adds that to the cart.

I sell another product for $39, $5.99 shipping to the USA, weight 1lb 1 ounce.

Now they buy these two products, total of $99, weight 4lbs, 13 ounces, but shipping needs to only be $5.99.

To summarize, my heavier item needs free shipping and the lighter items cannot have free shipping. For the $39 product if I add shipping charges to the selling price, now making it $44.99 with free shipping, my price looks higher than my competitors.

Our system isn't designed around a per-item/per-destination model but, rather, around global shipping rules and packaging costs, so we would really need a more complete rundown of how you want shipping charges to work for all of your items and destination categories across the board.

If we try to give you piecemeal instructions for just specific cases, that may run afoul of how you want shipping to work for other items, so we really need to get the big picture to provide the proper big-picture instructions. Feel free to email us if you'd rather not go into that level of detail here:
