I just went live and someone made a purchase through Google Checkout. It did not show up in the transaction log. I only received notification from Google.
I decided to run a test with my wife's Google account and made a purchase using Google Checkout. Everything went very well, except when I hit the "Return to MY COMPANY" link which is
https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/rp.php plus a bunch of variables.
It directed me to an E-Junkie page that says:
"The payment processor has not yet informed us about your payment. Your order will be processed as soon as they inform us about the payment.
If required, any information related to this order will be emailed to you. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your spam filter or bulk email folder."
This transaction never showed up in the transaction log either and I only received an email from Google.
Note: I made some $0 purchases and the transaction log and notification email and URL are working.
It seems what ever variables are being sent back to E-Junkie are not being processed correctly.