7 / 26
Dec 2007

an update:

My goals have started tracking.

However, the only products that are tracking are from google checkout. and i don't even know if that is consistent. Do I need to place the code from the link above?

interested in the answer to this - I am having problems trying to track thru google analytics

Yes I have put that code into every page with a button and thank you page.

I am not getting any readings on my e-commerce overview for google analytics.

As far as setting goals. I have placed the e junkie link into goals. and set the match type to head match


Just wanted to bump my post up. Haven't received a response yet.


having the same problem at my web site that I just converted to e-junkie


I want to do the same as you - ie goal is completed transactions (ie thank you page on my web site) and also to see the entry point (using campaigns) and see the shopping cart funnels to understand where people are exiting before they complete the transaction. My code validates and I am getting transactions, but no google analytics tracking??


Didn't mean to spam the thread like that. I will do some research tonight and see what I find. Maybe I will try adding some code from google analytics (the one mentioned above) and see if that changes my results.


I turned off the redirect in e-junkie to my thank you page and now I am starting to see transactions

I need the thank you page for my customers..

You see transactions for each product you sell??

None of my ecommerce stats come up.

My goals are working..

I was thinking of placing the code that google offers.

have not yet placed the code, but will let you know when i have. too much work to do :slight_smile:

have not yet placed the code, but will let you know when i have. too much work to do :slight_smile:

2 months later