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Jul 2013

Would you update your "How To" pages for setting up Google Analytics and Adwords tracking? The examples are all outdated (from 2008!), and I am very confused on how to do this with the current Google implementation. I am using E-junkie "Add to Cart/View Cart" and E-junkie generated page, and I know my conversions are not being correctly counted.

  • created

    Jul '13
  • last reply

    Jul '13
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I presume you're referring to our tracking help page here:


Although we haven't yet updated our cart's Google Analytics integration to work with the very latest asynchronous version of the tracking code that Google offers, it still works fine with our customized version of the GA tracking code based on their current non-async code.

If this pertains to your binaural site, I took a look and confirmed that you have our version of the GA tracking code set up correctly there (presuming the UA-XXXXX-X number you used there is correct for your GA account), and the thank-you/download pages we're generating for you do include our GA tracking code with Ecommerce Tracking details, so that should be working fine to report conversion data in your GA Ecommerce Tracking reports.

If you're actually concerned with AdWords tracking rather than Analytics tracking, I noticed that the EJEJC_BEACON URL you're using has an extra "/" after the "http://", so that would interfere with our ability to hit that conversion tracking URL after an order is placed. Removing the extra "/" from that URL in your site's View Cart script code should allow this to work properly.

Thanks for your quick response.

Regarding the AdWords tracking, thanks for catching the extra "/". Do you know if it's supposed to be http:// or https://? The new AdWords tracking only has "//."

Using "http://" in your EJEJC_BEACON URL should be fine.

In the standard AdWords tracking code, starting a URL with just "//" would pick up the protocol (http: or https:) from the page itself; however, that won't work in EJEJC_BEACON, which just tells our system what URL to hit when we process the order, so that needs to specify a full, absolute URL.