4 / 13
Aug 2011


Is there a way to edit e-junkie discount code to allow free shipping only within a specific country?

I need to create a discount code that will work only for customers within Canada, and not on international orders.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


Actually, you can just create a Shipping Rule for Canada, which would override any other Rule(s) you have for All Countries.

Go to Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings, then just click Next to proceed to the Shipping Rules screen. Set up a new Rule for Canada:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Flat;

Shipping Amount: 0.00;

Country: Canada;

Click Submit to save the Rule.

Click Back to Admin, and you're done!

Hey thanks for the reply.

What I need to do is create a coupon code for a marketing campaign in Canada that will only allow those who knows the code to have free shipping, and those who does not enter the code will not receive free shipping.

Sorry if my question wasn't clear before.


Sorry, we don't have any way to create a discount code that would be dependent on the buyer's shipping destination country. You could create a code that takes 100% off the Shipping charges, but then anyone who finds out about that code could use it, so you'd have to watch for non-Canadian buyers who tried using the code even though your promotions would clearly explain that only Canada is eligible for the free shipping offer.

Ok thanks, I guess that will be the alternative route we have to take.


19 days later

I have the exact same need... and can't even see a way to do a 100% free shipping based on a country, under the "discoutn codes" area.

Were trying to tie into Facebook, for a "like" they get the code to use in the cart. We want to offer free shipping in the U.S. But all I can find in there, is the ability to put in a set dollar amount for hte discount... and the drop downs right by the amount field are grayed out...

I've responded to the matter of discount settings in the other thread where you asked about that:


If you want to offer free shipping to the US for all orders, you can just create a Shipping Rule for United States that would override any other Rule(s) you have defined for All Countries.

Go to Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings and set up the following:

Shipping Origin: select United States and enter your zipcode;

Shipping Destinations: if you will only ship to certain countries, select them in the list, or otherwise select nothing for Worldwide shipping;

Leave all other settings blank or 0.00;

Click Next to save settings and proceed to the Shipping Rules screen.

Set up a Shipping Rule for free US shipping:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Flat;

Shipping Amount: 0.00

Country: United States;

Click Submit to save the Rule.

I think I saw the other answer too, thanks. I guess there's no way to associate this with a specific discount CODE, right? I know I'm asking the impossible. We were truly hoping to give FaceBook fans a code to enter, allowing for free shipping... so, looks like I can probably add a shipping rule ofr all U.S. orders (whether they have a code or not) ... or, I can associate a free shipping code across all products (but it won't necessarily be limited to the U.S.)... correct?

I really really do appreciate the attentiveness to the forums, VERY helpful, this has been a great experience, as I've been trying to put together things using a hundred different carts/options.

solpalslooks like I can probably add a shipping rule ofr all U.S. orders (whether they have a code or not) ... or, I can associate a free shipping code across all products (but it won't necessarily be limited to the U.S.)... correct?

Yes, you have that correct. :^)

DARN! Would that ever be a suggestion or option... to associate a shipping rule with a discount code?


We'll add that to Development's wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature at some point in the future. :^)

1 year later

This is still something we plan to look at in the future, but it will have to wait until we finally finish some other critical upgrades before we could take care of this. We've been working for a very long time on replacing our flash admin interface with an HTML one, and that will be coming with a lot of other upgrades built in. Once that is done we will be able to get back to adding in upgrades like this.