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Aug 2009

I've noticed that if I send out a free download link, the personal message doesn't appear in the email. Is e-junkie aware of this?

  • created

    Aug '09
  • last reply

    Sep '17
  • 8


  • 2.3k


  • 5


  • 9


Is this the message entered in for the product itself or when you are entering in free download?

The message is appearing fine on the thank you page and emails made with purchases. The problem lies with the free download link with the option to add a message. Say for example I wanted to send you a free copy and add a little note of explanation you'd receive the download link but no personalised note.

I just tested the "Send free download link" function in Seller Admin, and I received the email including the custom "Email Message" I'd specified when sending the link. The "Note (Optional)" line would not appear in the email itself; that only appears in your Free Downloads Log for your own reference. The free download email would follow this format (unless you Enable Templated Email to define the format yourself):

Dear [%first_name%],

You can download [%item_name%] at:


Please note, the download link will expire after [%max_downloads%] attempts or [%expiry_hours%] hours.

[Your custom Email Message text goes here]

Thanks for the clarification Tyson, I obviously had it wrong and thought the optional text would be added to the download email. It would be very rare that I need to send out a free link, but I'll take a note of how you've formatted it here for future reference. The emails and thank you page for customers when sales are made all look correct.

3 years later

I am offering an investment ebook which will be updated quarterly.

I want to offer the option to (a) purchase just the current ebook (b) buy a one-year subscription to updates..

i do not want to have a subscription system, however, where users need to log-in with password etc each quarter to get their new product.

rather i'd like to just send out a "free download link" email each quarter to all those who purchased (b) within the last 12 months.


1) can free download links be added to 3rd party email systems like aweber and mailchimp? eg i email a list of users generated from past product purchasers a free download link ?

2) if 1) above is possible, how can i generate product specific lists for mailchimp if i also use pdf stamper? strangely it does not seem possible as there is only one spot for a url link in the product edit sections.. (which i use for pdf stamper) does this mean i will have to use aweber?

if would be easier to just use the e-junkie newsletter/update system but you do not seem to provide a facility to limit the email list by date of purchase - or so you?

all very strange as these seems like simple extension unless i am missing something

If you use our built-in Updates & Newsletters service to send out free links to subscribers, you would need to manually remove subscribers who joined the list over a year prior. You can do this from your mailing list admin screen by visiting this link while you are logged into Seller Admin:


One caveat is that the mailing list admin can only show the date the buyer first joined a given product's Buyer Group list, so if a buyer happens to renew by repurchasing the same annual subscription product as before, they would be readded to the list but still show their same, original join date as before. You may be able to spot these as lone Active list members within a block of Removed members, so you can just disregard those, but this could get complicated with repeated renewals.

MailChimp subscription URLs cannot be combined at a product-specific level with PDF Stamping due to the type of URL that MailChimp uses, but you can combine PDF Stamping with Aweber or GetResponse integration in a product's Payment Variable Information URL, like so:





See further instructions for Aweber and GetResponse integration here:



4 years later

Sorry I didn't see your reply. I like to send a short personal message like, "Please let me know if you were able to download the material. Thank you."

When you use Seller Admin > Send Free Download Link, you will see a field for Email Message. Whatever you enter in there would be sent with the free link instead of the product's usual Thank-you Email for purchases (if one is set up in the product's settings). This would also be necessary for sending a free link if the Product Thank-you Email is disabled in that item's settings, or you could just copy the free link URL generated when you click Submit, then paste that link into a personal reply to the recipient.

The custom Email Message you enter here would appear in the message after our standard greeting and link presentation, or you can tick Enable Templated Email to have your custom Email Message completely override that, in which case you'd need to include the template tag [%download_link%] in your message where you want us to insert the link (ideally on a line by itself). This help page lists other template tags you can use: