17 / 27
Jul 2015

Regarding "enable settings in PayPal to place payments on hold for manual review" - how to do that, because on paypal.com/cgi-bin/customerprofileweb?cmd=profile-pref it's not available such thing, maybe from elsewhere? PP account from European and EUR payments generally. 1http://i.imgur.com/JR0aQg3.jpg1

Also Lastschrift is a German payment method made through PayPal again, so again EJ receive the IPN and so on. The general problem is that those users are mentioned into the PP transaction as "PayPal Unregistered" and no such option (tick on EJ) to block them, I mean to NOT send the code to them when they're unregistered on PP (having a Verified PP acc). Browse some more info on the net about this.

I have just checked the IPN history for a transaction like this ]Payment From:

Some Name (The sender of this payment is Non-U.S. - Unregistered)]. For "payer_status" says "payer_status=unverified", so definitely in EJ from somewhere need to be set a rule where to block sending the code to Unverified payers, right :)?

Also - could you get the IPN status from eBay transactions in order to match the address from eB and PP, and to put such tick on EJ. So if the address matches on both places, to send the code. And another tick for the name (if name matches, again to send the code, optional setting, because there're families that allow children to use their own name as PP or eB name).

Regarding the SMS verification, any info here? Manual review - even if I do that somehow - doesn't helps because in my niche there're 10+ Chinese/HKs sellers with 200k+ feedbacks, even natural Germans can't beat them or have competitors from Germany, so they send the code in 1-5 minutes, some sellers - up to 30. I don't have any people working for me, neither could be on the PC 24/7/365, so EJ sending the code in 30s is good but still - not possible to verify the other's party.

For example that "Invoice ID" from EJ that is sent to the buyer could be entered in some website linked with TeleSign. So the buyer to enter the that unique code in that website, where he enters his shipping address, name, phone and Invoice ID. He receives back to his phone and SMS code which he enters the page and passes to the unique code/key. But he won't receives and SMS or so if his cellphone location is not in the GeoIP (detected) area where is he from, so therefore - blocked sending the code and the script to automatically refund the transaction, because it's 90% sure that is fraudulent. Hijackers can enter name, address, etc., BUT they can't enter the phone. Why?

Because let's say the original owner of the PP/eB acc is in Berlin. The hijacker is from Hamburg. He enters his Hamburg's phone but the script says that his address is in Berlin street bla bla, so therefore won't receive the SMS Code or will be automaticallly blocked. Or such things, I'm sure that when many digital stores are using this TeleSign thing, then it should be working (don't have any in-depth details, tho). So that kind of option might be added as a separate application/module/script or whatever to EJ. And to be used from eBay digital code sellers.

About the "provider from which I obtain the codes i he could deactivate them" - no such option. They're scanned and writen in .txt from the Retail Game PC Boxes purchased in bulk or wholesale from big suppliers. No such option for reporting stolen or so, providers can't disable/ban/etc. them, neither to be "removed" from any user accounts that may have been applied to.


Aside from the Payment Receiving Preferences/Block Payments settings in your screenshot, there's also Website Preferences here:


I think that screen may only be available if you have a Business account with PayPal (a free upgrade, at least in the US), but here you can set "PayPal Account Optional: Off" and/or "Express Checkout Settings - Support giropay and bank transfer payments: No":


I'm having trouble following what you're trying to describe in some of your other suggestions, but IPN is a one-way transmission from PayPal to us. Once we receive IPN from PayPal confirming completed payment and providing the order details for us to process, all we can do is validate that the IPN actually came from PayPal, which confirms the payment was good and presumably passed whatever fraud checks PayPal can perform at their end. After that, we have no way of checking any other data in the IPN against records at PayPal or eBay or any other party.

You could use our custom/third-party Integration feature to have us forward the order data to an external script or service that would perform additional verification routines before issuing the key from that end, but if E-junkie is not delivering anything to the buyer in this case, there's little point in having us involved at all vs. just having PayPal send IPN directly to that external script/service.

A final note: as far as we're aware, eBay (at least in the US) does not allow selling digital goods which are only provided electronically without also being shipped as a physical copy (e.g. printed hardcopy or on CD), so any use of digital delivery for eBay sales is simply to provide "instant gratification" to the buyer while awaiting physical shipment. If eBay discovers you are selling digital items which are only delivered electronically without also shipping a physical copy, they will remove such listings and may restrict or suspend your account.


Website Preference Settings are usually for WEBSITE stores/shops (like Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop, etc.), for own custom websites. Haven't changed anything there yet.

Now browsed there, the giropay/bank option is turned off by default. Only the setting "PayPal Account Optional:" is On, so now I'm turning it Off. Don't know what this could change because those preferences are not related for the eBay's Checkout (yeah, have read the "Learn More" info). Hope this helps, will see in the future because as for today got only 4 x chargebacks (MC'ed eBay user + 3 x unauthorized PP payments). Thank you for your suggestion, tho.

Regarding the eB policy - yeah, I know that. Nowhere I have mentioned that I'm selling into the international/American market. Keep in mind that the law and rules there are not allowing, but the law and rules on other specific marked are allowing any kinds of downloadable products LEGALLY, including even Accounts (and all electronically delivered by e-mail or other kind of delivery). No problem here.

You haven't explained which exactly option is for "manual review" for every newly received transaction?

Regarding the IPN - check some transaction. You'll see from the IPN history that there is info for "payer_status". That variable can be either "verified" or "unverified". You might add a setting (tick) in EJ to allow or disallow such EJ-transaction for example if the "payer_status" says "unverified" to NOT send the code.

Regarding my other things that have mentioned above (for address matching, phone detection, etc.) - seems that need to asked on other forum(s) and to see how that integrated could happens (I'm not a programmer).

But generally - keep in mind that PP is the most UNTRUSTED source for receiving payments and for validating, confirming and verifying them. From my 6 years experience it provides ZERO to -10 protection for and of any kind of transactions (tangible or digital). WebMoney is the best choice, no chargebacks, no options for disputes/claims (except Arbitrage that is available ONLY for Personal ID Verified Passports), Business LVL and so on, but that's another story. That's why I was/am looking for such "All-in-One" solution that can provide:

- Instant delivery;

- Instant verification of the order (the funding source + account) and the client (without asking from him to send as scan his ID);

- Instantly delivering satisfaction and user experience, and receiving positive feedbacks (and/or increasing them);

- Minimizing the losses as much as it can.

Currently EJ providers the 1st and the 3rd somehow. But for Digital Goods sellers on eB like me (yeah, I'm definitely not the only one) are important the 2nd and the 4th.

Yeah, I know that for 3rd party E-Commerce like Magento/Presta there're modules that providers some kind of "order checking, verifying" for anti-fraud specifics, including SMS/Phone verification and so on. But that is something that can't be added to eB, I mean - there is no option to add on eB any kind of anti-fraud module, I'm not the owner of the website :wink:. It's upon eB and PP to adds such things. But as far as everyone ones - they can't, they don't, the won't, because they prefers to FREEZE PP accounts and to suspends eB accounts for any kind of "suspicious" activities, but that's another story again. That's why again - I'm looking for such solutions.


I might have found some solution but it needs EJ's API. Or just to forward PP's IPN (variables) for the approved others. So:

Buyer > eBay > PayPal IPN > transferred to other service that is doing the verification of each order (if it's fraudulent, hacked, stolen acc, etc.) > that services forwards ONLY approved order-IPNs to E-Junkie > then you deliver the e-goods (key) to the verified buyer's e-mail.

So generally in this 3rd party service is entered your Notification URL (https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/ipnext.php). The problem is - is it possible to receive such forwarded IPNs from 3rd party website (different from PayPal's site) or it's not possible (because of for example checking signature originating, IP, etc.)? Have you tested by yourselves?

Unfortunately, our IPN handler validates all incoming IPNs with PayPal to verify that PayPal actually sent them, before we'd then process the order; this foils any hackers who may try to obtain free product by spoofing an IPN submission to us from their own server unrelated to PayPal.

Moreover, any third-party verification service would be unlikely to know whether a card or PayPal account has been hacked/stolen any sooner than the legitimate account holder, card issuer or PayPal themselves know, so the only function such a service might offer would be looking for indications of fraudulent activity that PayPal doesn't already check for on accounts that are not already known by anyone to be compromised.

So in the end - no API, no IPN handler from 3rd party verification service.

I can't verify the orders if they're payed with stolen/hacked/hijacked PayPal and/or eBay account neither for digital-related transactions, nor if I plan to start physical (tangible) items. And the only possible way to verify this if when I receive from PP the IPN - the variable called "contact_phone" ("payer_phone"). Using the 3rd party service - it calls the buyer or it's being send to him and SMS. He would needs to enter the code that he receives (or listens on the phone) into the 3rd party phone verification service (GeoIP detection here) page (which in order words would means that I - as a seller - will be sure that ONLY the ORIGINAL OWNER is using the PP account, not a hijacker), which is then passed to the EJ's IPN Notiication URL.

I can't, I don't, neither any other instrument or tool would know "whether a card or PayPal account has been stolen", but I can know if the ORIGINAL OWNER have proceeded/payed me by verifying his PayPal's phone. Which reduces the fraud rate up to 98%.


I have been doing a conversation by a ticket with the phone verification service in the last days. It seems that I can't work only with one of the companies - either with him, but then no instant proceeding of any orders, no 24/7 sending the keys, no automation, no inventory. I can't work with you (EJ) only - because OVER 50% fraud rate so far with the buyers (so I have lost so far around €310, maybe even more in the coming days when the PayPal non-smart algorithms check all of the old transactions or when the original owners see that their accs were hacked). Half of the job - the phone service, the other half of the job - EJ.

Don't know if the other's party have already contacted you by e-mail or so, if not - I can give you the e-mail where to write and to contact with the other company and both devs of you to think about a possible solution for this MAJOR & CRITICAL fraudulent-related issue. And to work each other.

I have been contacted by other eB-sellers - this time from GB, selling digital keys as well. They have the same complains as me. One of them - like me - suddenly stopped her (woman) sales, and I know why. The other British that have contacted me - said that "there's not too much you can do" and so, and in the end "other than this you can only just quit" - yeah, but wut, why (he have stopped also, btw).


I have to chime in on this that I've come across the same problems. I do think that at the very least e-Junkie should be able to provide more options to us even after PayPal has "verified" a transaction. Many times my fraudulent transactions come in waves from a specific country. I have said before that if e-Junkie gave us options to block transactions from things like country, it would give me more control over fraud. Yes, I know someone can change their IP address, but in the short term it allows me to block more of their fraudulent transactions while still allowing money from legitimate transactions to come in. Then I can still fulfill orders manually to the customers in those countries who I know are legitimate until I feel it's ok to unblock transactions from that country.

I don't know a lot about programming, but I can't see how it would be all that difficult to add more options like countries to the options in blocking transactions. At this point blocking emails, names or specific transaction IDs is practically useless.

Staunch, if you find better options, please let us all know. I have seen other postings on here regarding these same concerns, but they often involve services that complicate the simplicity that I go for when I first started with e-Junkie.

You can block certain countries - if you sale on eBay tho - from the eBay's shipping options. For example shipping to ONLY UK addresses ONLY to UK buyers. But that's not the major issue here, because there're BOTH fraudsters from UK, DE, US, etc. - so ANY "white" country have them. Nigeria, other less-known African/Asian countries are not a big problem (for me), they don't know French/Spanish for example, they buy only from .COM listings.

If you're talking for a web store/cart/domain - then you can block certain countries IP ranges by .htaccess: http://www.ip2location.com/blockvisitorsbycountry.aspx so buyers from blocked countries won't even be able to open your website store (they need to use proxy/vpn to bypass this). But for eBay - you can't do that, I can't, no one can't.

E-Junkie needs specific tools, options and so (API, flash-to-DHTML admin panel), drastic changes in order maintain sellers' needs. Don't know where exactly is the problem because this takes ages (!) 1http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/5906/pg/01 , but I'm sure that their staff should be way over 10-15 persons and most of them programmers.

If with the new admin panel creation (that's in beta, tested it tho) this would provide a "whole range of features that might/will be added easily in the future" (incl. country blocks, API, integration with phone verification service and so), then sure - why not. But if that won't provide such features (and easy integrations that require zero to 0.01 programming knowledge and skills), I can't see really the benefits of the DHTML panel over the flash one.


As you can see - I've found that specific 6-years-old thread from the graveyard and keep posting here, because that's - as niko said (6 years ago) - "Fraud is my top priority". It's useless to send the digital goods to the customer in 1s or in 30s after the sale when they can chargeback at any time (specially for transactions that involves PP - the most INSECURED payment transaction gateway GLOBALLY), even after 12+ months for some banks/cards. Blocking specific countries is NOT a solution because there're LEGIT users from those countries, for sure. The problem is their "screening" - something that can be done from 3rd party services - Signifyd, Kount, MaxMind, TeleSign, OnVerify, Reducefraud, Riskified, Twilio and more, if there was easy (n00b/retard-friendly) integrations with API.

5 months later

Hi again half year later,

Are there any news regarding this (saw that recent news for the new admin panel + site: http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/6998)? Or still not planned ANY l (as I said on my Jan 22, 2015 post): "So in the end - no API, no IPN handler from 3rd party verification service"?

No TeleSign easy switch and/or other 3rd party services. And therefore - frauds keep stands here on eBay orders.

In the path months managed to understand and verify that when dealing on eBay with buyers there, no seller receives (through IPN) buyer's phone number (no matter if on the seller's account his settings are set to "ON" to always receive the number or not). The only possible way to receive a phone is through the eBay's API:



People who have Selling Manager and/or Selling Manager Pro, by clicking directly on the order ID will see buyer's number. Which number the 3rd party verification service must verify, and then in the end that service to "talk/communicate" with E-Junkie saying "order is verified, give him the key/code".

Here're the needs - formatted as a scheme: http://i.imgur.com/IKo2je0.png to be understand fully from anyone.



I've removed your similar posts in other unrelated threads so that we can address this issue within this topic. I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding, but as Guru has explained previously in this thread what you are asking for is not something that can be provided.

PayPal is already in charge of authorizing the payment. It is not really possible nor would it be effective for us to insert another step for a third party to double check PayPal's work in order to divine whether or not a payment is valid after PayPal has already processed it.

This is not an area we are exploring for any future development because there's nothing that can effectively be done here that you could not already do by other means.

In short, you can have automatic delivery via our system after a payment is verified by PayPal or you can set up some kind of delayed/manual delivery via a different system that takes the time to further research each buyer, but you can't have fast automatic delivery and delayed verification at the same time (and any kind of additional verification that wouldn't impose a delay isn't doing any meaningful verification).

"It is not really possible nor would it be effective for us to insert another step for a third party to double check PayPal's work in order to divine whether or not a payment is valid after PayPal has already processed it." -> every single payment is valid. The issue is that NOT every single payment is made from a original & genuine PP account owner/holder or not, because it can (and is) made from a hijacker (stealer) who purchase the digital (one-time-redeemable) goods from us. That's why such double checks are needed and "a must" these days with tons of fraudulent transactions around the web for almost anything, but mostly for digital content (that is delivered instantly), and hijackers knows this as well.

"This is not an area we are exploring for any future development because there's nothing that can effectively be done here that you could not already do by other means. " -> which means that when you can get through IPN PayPal Order Info, it won't be so hard to get through the eBay's API (registering in their eBay Developer Network) and receive through the API the eBay Order Info when a customer is authorized? For example there're tons of listing tools that offers this - authorization and then you see through their admin panel ALL of the eBay Orders, can communicate to the buyers through their panel, send feedbacks and so on. Or it is not possible such integration (even when there're tons of digital goods sellers on eBay that need and is a MUST to have a double verification)? Yes, it could take weeks or months but in the end it should be worth when this could generate a traffic of potential sellers that are going to use the only possible tool in the world offering double check of a transaction + instantly sending the info right away if it's verified (through the phone, e.g. received info through the 3rd party verification service API that the user was verified).

Manual delivery is not an offer (been doing this in the past months using OnVerify's manual sending thing, it takes so many actions and steps for ONLY ONE single order to be manually sent to the buyer's e-mail after his verification, const. staying on the Thunderbird client 24/7). I was and am looking for something like: eB sends order details (through API) to the 3rd party verification (phone) system > which sends "positive" or "negative" to the auto-delivery system (E-Junkie) and that's it, so EJ to receive messages (IPN/API) info for the transactions directly and only from the verification system, not by the PP or eB directly.

And sending e-mail template to the "positive" verifications with the keycode OR an e-mail template to the "negative" verifications with no keycode (and saying like - "your phone is out-of-date, write us as message your active number OR send us your Proof of ID card, etc."). And all of this to be as one main or an extra product.

Or that is Mission Impossible?

We understand that you want to have room for a third party verification service to inspect transactions between the process of PayPal accepting a payment and our system receiving notice to fill the order (or not), however we have already decided not to implement anything of that nature right now.

The system you are asking for would only create major delays and disadvantages to the order process without providing enough benefit to offset those disadvantages, so we can't justify spending any time to develop this system.

Our development resources are limited so we have to carefully prioritize where we spend that effort, unfortunately that means we cannot address any individual requests like this unless there's a clear advantage or a large demand.

@E-JunkieMonster: Check your PM (e-mail) - a reply to your post above.

22 days later

I'm not going to get into the nuances of this discussion, but saying "unless there's a clear advantage or a large demand" is a bit of a poor way of looking at a business structure.

Just because you don't have tons of customers here clamoring for specific security abilities doesn't mean the demand or advantage doesn't exist. If it truly didn't exist, other companies wouldn't be offering them. I myself have switched many of my products to a different company and am considering switching them all simply because security is way more important to me. Many other websites have differing sales attributes that are sometimes not as good or are sometimes way better than e-junkie (e.g., upselling options). But what I think is important to a lot of people in e-commerce is security, and I have found many other sites that offer way better controls than you do (blocking a name or an email is quite reactive, not proactive). PayPal alone, if you upgrade to Pro, has over 20 Fraud Management filters.

I think at the very least, by assuming there is not a demand for better verification and fraud options, you are not selling your service to the troves of new customers you could be gaining, and slowly losing the ones you have to sites that are far surpassing you.

The fraud filters available with PayPal Payments Pro are completely compatible with our service, as are any other fraud filters built in to any given payment processor that we support.

However, please understand that we cannot double check the payment processor's work on verifying the payment in any significant way. To put "clear advantage or a large demand" into the plainest language possible on this topic, the proposed feature:

1 - Will not work at all

2 - Will make the purchasing process worse for the buyer, resulting in even more reversals and disputes of payments

3 - Has no demand

The first point alone is reason enough not to go forward, but in general we always have to prioritize our development resources by focusing on new features that will actually benefit as many of our users as possible before even considering ones that are the custom request of individual clients.

I understand your point, but take for example something I suggested before. I suggested being able to block by country or IP address, and I also think I suggested being able to approve a transaction before you guys fill it.

I think the response was that either it wouldn't work because they'd use a proxy or that you'd look into it. So, right away, there is a pushback from you guys about extra security measures that do, in fact, work. I use a different company for many of my products and the country filter has done wonders to reduce my fraud. Additionally, because I am able to filter transactions and approve the ones that are marked as fraud, I am still able to approve those to trusted customers.

I'm not saying every option out there needs to be on e-Junkie, but I do feel that your commitment to helping your sellers reduce fraud is severely lacking. Blocking emails and names is practically useless and that is all we've been offered for a long time now.

2 months later

I couldn't agree more, mikesay98 is saying the truth.

Also regarding the 3 points above:

"1 - Will not work at all

2 - Will make the purchasing process worse for the buyer, resulting in even more reversals and disputes of payments

3 - Has no demand"

Regarding 3 - I have provided into a private message TONS OF demand for sellers on eBay who're selling digital goods for many specific keywords (!). Those keywords and categories generates (only for 1 segment) $34B/yearly (excluding another 2-3 platforms, with them that could be $100B+ but the problem there is that majority of products are "physical" and cannot be provided digitally as an activation link or code).

Regarding 1 - I have suggested early on the thread some companies like: telesign.com - which is the best class in providing such solutions. Another ones are: Signifyd, Kount, MaxMind, TeleSign, Reducefraud, Riskified, Twilio and so. But the problem that you have stated early in the year (and in other threads in the past 6-7 years have checked as well) that there is NO API integrations (because of the old flash-based interface, etc.). Don't know if currently you have or have such plans.

I have found that since 01.07.2015 (July 1, 2015): https://www.paypal.com/stories/us/paypal-continues-to-improve-our-global-buyer-protection

"we are announcing the expansion of our Global Buyer Protection globally to cover intangible goods. This includes services, and digital goods, like digital music, digital books, digital games, travel tickets and software downloads.

Beginning July 1, 2015, if you pay for a service or digital product using PayPal and it is significantly different from how it was described, or you pay for one of these items and it is not delivered, PayPal will ensure that the money is credited back to your account."

"Section 13.3

We are increasing the scope of PayPal Purchase Protection to now include coverage for intangible items."

Most important:

"Section 11.4

Although we are expanding PayPal Purchase Protection to buyers for intangible items, Seller Protection will not apply to intangible items. We are including a note in this section about this. In addition, we are adding a definition of Proof of Delivery for intangible or virtual items or services which can help a seller win a buyer’s Item Not Received Purchase Protection Claim."

Check out that what these guys provide to the sellers/vendors: blog.getdpd.com/2015/06/11/paypal-policy-update-added-purchase-protection-for-intangible-goods-and-how-it-affects-you/

A FULL SOLUTION that is giving the seller a REAL "Proof of Delivery for Intangible Items" (which sometimes may cover the chargebacks).

The problem with that DPD company is that they have ZERO integration with eBay, lol. When I've asked them back in June/July if they could be able to implement this scheme: http://i.imgur.com/M4pKD60.png and to provide some "customized" keycode message template (like here in EJ), they said:

"1. We do not have a way to set up the scheme as illustrated in your image.

2- We allow for custom fields to collect info not already collected by our system, I'll post a link to our article on that below:


3- Currently we are working on some big projects and have no plans to set up a scheme like you're looking for, I'm sure that there is a simpler way for you to sell your goods using us without the need for phone verification, but if that is a must for you then it will have to remain a manual operation on your part.

If you have any other questions or concerns just let me know."

So I'm again completely blocked out. Everywhere I see only partial solutions, not full solutions, huh. Which is some kind of completely unacceptable in 2015 … but who's asking me.


Currently this is my Excel spreadsheet with frauds/losses/stolen (digital & claimed keys) items and chargebacked: http://i.imgur.com/zXgDlgm.png

€1546 - that amount excludes the bank transfer frauds of ~€1200 from Oct 2014 and ~€350 another frauds (chargebacks) on another PP. Total from Oct 1 2014 to Oct 8 2015: €3096 (£2273 / $3480). Keep in mind that I live in a poorest country (even not in the capital) in Europe where such huge amounts of money people earn for TWO YEARS generally.

Back in April or so I have chatted with a fraudster (the guy with the three €130+€140+€140 transactions). He said that he have scammed from another seller 140 x keys in a matter of few days just by using multiple (stolen) eB & PP accs with money on them, of course (or with an attached CCs). He said to me that he could got (for free) even more (and then back resale in other marketplaces or so) if that particular seller (with 240k+ feedbacks) haven't got into his eBay account settled a rule "max. 2 qty per buyer in 10 days". But that was a zero problem for him with ToNS of eB/PP accounts, huh. He haven't told me how many he have got from other sellers tho. And likely I've prayed to him to not buy anymore from my listings because I'm a small seller losing tons of money because of him and because of other fellas like him. He said that will stop (specially to me). Yes, you read this: I HAVE PRAYED A FRAUDSTER TO NOT BUY DIGITAL GOODS FROM ME! LOL, but it is true!

But this doesn't mattered - as you've checked the spreadsheet - http://i.imgur.com/zXgDlgm.png - I've lost tons more from other fellas like him buying from him, zero problems for them.

It's all about volume. The more volume you have with more sales, more transactions and huge profits, the better you can take the losses. Big sellers with XXX XXX feedbacks can take huge losses monthly or yearly, but I cannot take such €3k losses …


PayPal Payments Pro is not available to my PP's account country. That feature (and many more) are usually available ONLY to the major EN-countries: US/CA/UK/AU. Sometimes: DE/AT/CH as well. I'm not from any of them, neither millions of other sellers from other than those countries. I (we) cannot enable/use them because they're NOT available to us. But of course even with them - cannot stop the chargebackers (and fraudsters buying through stolen eB/PP accs) to buy off vendors, surely.

Out of luck …

Selling key codes on eBay is a dying business model that we are unwilling to invest our limited development resources in supporting any further than we already do, which itself is a legacy holdover from many years ago when eBay actually allowed sales of entirely-digital goods.

Currently the only way to sell key codes within compliance with eBay's terms is to physically mail/ship a printed hardcopy of the purchased code(s) to the buyer. This gives the seller ample opportunity to delay shipment long enough to discover whether the payment may have been fraudulent due a stolen/hacked PayPal or card account, and to mail/ship the item with tracking to confirm actual delivery. While it's permissible to provide instant delivery of a digital copy in addition to the physical hardcopy, this is simply inadvisable with key codes the seller has purchased at wholesale for retail resale, due to the rampant fraud for such goods and potential loss of wholesale costs for fraudulently purchased keys. You would be entirely within your rights to refuse offering instant digital delivery of codes at all, in which case you would have no need for our service in selling such products anyway.

We are planning to allow blocking transactions by country according to GeoIP lookup of the buyer's connection IP, since we're already doing GeoIP lookups on every order for VAT purposes now anyway. We will post in our Service Status & Updates forum if and when this becomes possible. Aside from such enhancement to our existing Block Buyers/Transactions feature, we simply have no simple way to insert any other sort of "interrupt" in our order-processing routine that could call out to a third-party service for verification before we actually process the order, so adding that would be a major project of high cost and limited benefit to the tiny handful of our clientele who may benefit from it (and it doesn't appear that you have ever been a paying client of ours), just to support a business model which is becoming increasingly obsolete and inviable.

eBay has 4 x Global Regions and 14 x Country website. While in most of them it's forbidden since 2008 to sale digital goods (but other sellers still same them like recipes, ebooks, PDFs, etc.), in ONE of the country-site it is COMPLETELY ALLOWED not only from the eBay site rules but from the countries government laws. It's completely allowed to resale any kind of digital goods, including second one ones - like game accounts, software accounts, player accounts and so (while it's forbidden on most of platform's ToS) but the government > platform ToS. So eBay plays into a government area where they must comply with the law (and allow sellers to resale digital goods, incl. keys).

While back in 2008 it was not so popular to "open game box, scan the key and put it into a JPG file or .txt for resale" - since 2010 and afterwards it's quite popular doing this. The general issue is that there're tons of HK/CN resellers who as always do NOT pay any VAT and always have best of the best prices delivering to the customers within 5-30 mins. And they work 24/7/365. I'm alone. Only with EJ can beat their "delivery-times" and therefore grab attention/traffic to my listings and sales. People saying like "instant delivery in 1 min. GUARANTEED" is better than 5-30 mins, right :wink:? But fraudsters also know this as well.

Regarding the "physically mail/ship a printed hardcopy of the purchased code(s) to the buyer" – I've asked in the past other competitor resellers do they physically ship the keys as letters to the buyer's address. They said NO - they only fill up the tracking code with the key and that's it. And therefore the item is marked as "sent", have "some tracking" (even not valid, but who cares? Buyers leaves positive feedbacks when they activate the keys, huh and download). Both buyers arе satisfied & eBay, even PP. All systems.

Yeah, any buyer can say "I haven't received it, not works, etc." - that's why there is ZERO Seller Protection on digital services & sales. That's why other competitor above (DPD) added some "Proof of delivery" feature few months ago but it still useless when they have zero integration and plans for eBay.

The growing "selling codes on eBay" business (specially into the country where it's completely allowed) is popular but not for any man. People must know that they may (and they DO) lose tons of money because of this.

Still when some sellers have an E-Commerce Store like Magento - they could add it (or use another module for this) but still without ANY protection from PP from fraudsters. But thankfully - there're Magento anti-fraud modules that is taking care of the risk scores, geo detections, etc. stuff and declining the bad transactions. Something that is not available on eBay >,<.


You're adding "blocking transactions by country according to GeoIP lookup of the buyer's connection IP" - which would be good feature. But what about "Proof of delivery" (obtaining customer's IP address, useragent, device, download date, etc.)? Or it won't be possible.

Thanks anyone.

11 days later

I put my two cents here. In PayPal I have an option enabled it is called Risk Control. There you can stop any payments from certain countries, you can opt to not accept German transaction, I set up my payment risk control very high- order over a certain amount are denied etc. etc. I have it and works excellent. In order to have this you need to have paypal pro.