Is there an RSS feed for the E-Junkie Ecommerce Forums? I would like to monitor discussions that may be relevant, but I know that without a feed, I will only visit when I have a question.
E-Junkie Forums now sports 3 RSS Feeds:AllForumThreadTo access the RSS Feeds, use the base URL of rss.xml can be replaced with any of the following:[ALL]rss.xmlrss-all-#.xml (where # is the size you want)[FORUM]rss-forum-#.xml (where # is the forum id)rss-forum-#1-#2.xml (where #1 is the forum id, and #2 is the size you want)[THREAD]rss-thread-#.xml (where # is the thread id)rss-thread-#1-#2.xml (where #1 is the thread id, and #2 is the size you want)
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