11 / 11
Nov 2012

I can't seem to find the answer anywhere but maybe I just keep overlooking it. What I need seems simple:

Tangible product A:

-$5 flat rate shipping U.S. + California tax if shipping to California address

-$10 flat rate outside U.S.

Tangible product B:

-$2.99 flat rate shipping U.S. + California tax if shipping to California address

-$5.99 flat rate outside U.S.

Etc., etc, etc. I have a total of 5 products, each with its own flat shipping rate. It would be great to offer free shipping if a quantity threshold is reached.

Please help! Newbie here. Thanks!

  • created

    Aug '11
  • last reply

    Nov '12
  • 10


  • 1.5k


  • 5


If those are your only tangible items, you can do that using Packaging Costs and either Item Weights or Packaging Weights, depending on whether your flat rates are per-unit or per-order (regardless of how many units they order). Clarify the latter, and we can provide more detailed instructions.

I want to keep it as simple as possible for the buyer who might be a t-shirt, a poster, and a DVD. Shipping per item if ordered separately would be $5, $4, and $3, respectively. But if they ordered all three items, obviously, $12 would be too much for shipping considering we live in an Amazon.com world with free shipping.

If you can suggest an approach based on how others use E-Junkie (again, I'm a newbie), that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance!

Honestly, the easiest thing you could do, and fairest to buyers, would be to use our built-in USPS rate lookup feature if you're located in the US:

Go to Seller Admin>View/Edit/Delete Products:

Select an existing shippable product of yours and click Edit;

On the first screen, if Shipping/Buyer's Address is not checked there, tick that box;

Click Next until you reach the Shipping Options screen;

  • Weight: [enter the weight of each unit in Ounces]
  • Package type: Regular Box
  • Capacity: [if you will ship each order's items in a single parcel together, enter some absurdly high capacity that will never be reached, such as 9999];

Click Next until you can Submit to save settings;

Repeat this for all your tangible goods;

When adding new shippable products, remember to enable Shipping/Buyer's Address.

Go to Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings and set up the following:

Shipping Origin: select United States and enter your zipcode;

Shipping Destinations: if you will only ship to certain countries, select them in the list, or otherwise select nothing for Worldwide shipping;

Regular Box: [enter the empty weight of the largest box you expect to use, including any packing/padding material you would typically use];

Leave all other settings blank or 0.00;

Click Next to save settings and proceed to the Shipping Rules screen.

In the Existing Shipping Rules menu, select and Delete any Rules you may have saved there.

Set up your USPS Shipping Rule:

Shipping Rate Calculator: we'd recommend USPS Priority or USPS Cheapest (which compares the Priority vs. First Class rates and applies whichever is cheaper);

Country: All Countries (this covers all the countries you selected in your Shipping Destinations list);

Click Submit to save the Rule.

Click Back to Admin, and you're done!

23 days later

Hi, I hope I can get an answer to my shipping problem here.

I want to charge flat rate for shipping based on number of items in cart. For example:

For the first product I want to charge $12.

For each additional product I want to charge $6.00.

So for 1 product shipping would be $12. 2 products would be $18. And three products would be $24.

For the first product I set the shipping rule as follows:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Price for Unit

Shipping amount per unit: $12

Min.: 1

Max.: 1

For additional products I set the shipping rule as follows:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Price for Unit

Shipping amount per unit: $6

Min.: 2

Max.: 99

For a single product this works great, ie: $12, however, for additional products, I can't seem to get it to work properly. For 2 items I get $12, for 3 I get $18, for 4 I get $24.

How can I get this to work the way I want?


I would suggest setting up your shipping like this:

1) Go to Seller Admin>Edit E-junkie Cart Shipping Settings;

2) On the page that comes up, in the lower left, set the handling fee to 6.00;

3) Click Next to go to the Shipping Rules page;

4) At the top of that page select and Delete the rules you have created;

5) Now create a rule that uses Price per Unit, with the amount as 6.00 and no Min. or Max. Items.

This should make one item $12, 2 for $18 and so forth.

Thank you very much! It works like a charm. The only hiccup now is that I want to stop charging for shipping after 4 items or $24 since they are just CDs. This way they pay a maximum of $24 shipping when they order 4, 5, or more.

Any ideas as to how I might be able to incorporate this?

Thanks a lot for your help. I'm new to e-junkie, but I'm finding it works perfectly for my needs.


I'm sorry, I did not know that you wanted to stop charging at $24. You will need to delete the rule I mentioned above and create two new ones.

The first will be the Price Per Unit, with the amount set as 6.00 and the Max. Items set to 2. This will make one CD cost $12, and two will cost $18.

The second will be set as a Flat rate, with the amount set to 18.00 and the Min. Items set to 3. This will mean three items or more will be $24.

1 year later

Wow! E-Junkie customer support looks awesome! I have browsed through many forums and so far have not found this solution:

I use USPS priority flat rate envelopes to ship books and t-shirts. Let's just talk about the books.

I want to charge $5.00 for Domestic shipping (United States) up to three books per envelope.

Then I want to do the same for Canada but charge $12.95 (up to three books)

For the rest of the world I want to charge $16.95 (Up to three books)

I have set the capacity of the tube to 3 but when I set up the shipping rule for flat rate it doubles the shipping for two books. How do I solve this problem?

Many thanks in advance! Tim

Presumably your T-shirts will ship for the same rates as your books? If so, then in the settings of each product, enable Shipping/Buyer's Address, and in every product's Shipping Options, set Weight = 0, Package Type = Regular Envelope, and Capacity = 3.

Now, to calculate shipping charges as you described, we're going to "game the formula" of (rate X weight) to calculate a flat rate for each package of up to 3 items, rather than each individual item.

Go to Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings and set up the following:

Shipping Origin: select United States and enter your ZIP code;

Shipping Destinations: if you will only ship to certain countries, select them in the list, or otherwise select nothing for Worldwide shipping;

Define Packaging:

  • Regular Envelope: Cost = 0.00, Weight = 1.00;

Leave all other settings blank or 0.00;

Click Next to save settings and proceed to the Shipping Rules screen.

In the Existing Shipping Rules menu, select and Delete any Rules you may have saved there.

Set up your first Shipping Rule for Domestic shipping:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Price Per Unit Weight;

Shipping Amount: 5.00;

Country: United States;

Click Submit to save the Rule.

Next rule for shipping to Canada:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Price Per Unit Weight;

Shipping Amount: 12.95;

Country: Canada;

Click Submit to save the Rule.

Last rule for shipping to other International destinations:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Price Per Unit Weight;

Shipping Amount: 16.95;

Country: All Countries (this covers the rest of your Shipping Destination countries that don't have a Rule of their own);

Click Submit to save the Rule.

Click Back to Admin, and you're done!