11 / 11
Sep 2013

There may be a thread on this but I've done some poking around the the documentation is pretty confusing.

I collect addresses on all orders already, but shipping is free. I'm trying to set things up so that items requiring shipping will add a flat rate charge if they are an international address. Not that some items are downloads so I don't want INTL shipping applied to those, only the ones I define. I don't want to charge any shipping for US orders. What's the simplest way to approach this?

Thanks, Gav

  • created

    Jun '13
  • last reply

    Sep '13
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Will that be a flat rate per order, or per item, and in the latter case, would the rate need to vary among different items?

Per item I suppose. And ideally it should be allowed to vary for when I add different weight items in the future.

In that case, see the tips on this help page for instructions:


When following those instructions, for free domestic shipping you would set up your rule for Country:United States with a Shipping Amount: 0.00, then you can set up your international rule for Country:All Countries with a Shipping Amount: 1.00, so your product weights should be set as equal to your International shipping rate per unit of that item.

2 months later


This thread comes pretty close to my issue I believe. As we have 4 printed/tangible products currently available, AND, my initial desire/intent was to sell up to 2 packs in a large envelope and 3 or more packs in a large, priority box... to either US or International.

While experimenting with the Be All printed project I ran into some issues.

If I search USPS.com and choose Sweden, I am given a price of either 23.95 Priority or 9.70 First Class, large envelope.

If I have ejunkie do the work, it will show 38.00 for Priority and 6.95 for First Class.

This constitutes the first hurdle I have encountered.

The second hurdle seems that I am flawed in my method of mixing envelopes and large boxes and I need help in seeing the workaround for that. Now I did NOT yet try any shipping by weight as I thought the Priority method would be more simplistic.

Any and all help is appreciated. And, all in all, for a fledgling business, I think eJunkie is great and has served us well... especially for the price!


For USPS shipping rules, we always obtain the generic Package rate from USPS.gov, regardless of the package type selected in the product's Shipping Options (i.e., selecting Large Envelope obtains the same rates as selecting any Box or Tube package type). The current USPS Package rates for a 1 oz. parcel to Sweden are 6.55 for First Class or 38.00 for Priority (the 23.95 rate is only for Priority Flat Rate containers, which we do not obtain rates for).

We don't have any way to change a product's package type based on order quantity, but this doesn't actually matter for live rate lookups, as we always obtain the Package rate regardless of package type selected. Do at least make sure you specify an accurate per-unit Weight for each product, as well as an empty Weight for the package types you're using in Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings.

BTW, I notice you have USPS Priority and Cheapest rules for Country:All Countries, but you only have a USPS Priority rule for Country:United States, which would override the All Countries rules when the buyer selects United States in their cart; therefore, US buyers would not be offered a First Class (Cheapest) rate when available. If you want to offer US buyers a First Class rate as well as Priority, simply delete your rule for Country:US, so the All Countries rule would apply to US buyers as well.

Thanks for very quick response.

This is good stuff and I believe we will be moving toward a weight per unit and forget the Priority Flat Rate entirely.

Will continue to work on this later this week and will touch base to let you know how it is going. I am sure I will need some Rule Guidance...

Later, thx,


Thanks for very quick response.

This is good stuff and I believe we will be moving toward a weight per unit and forget the Priority Flat Rate entirely.

Will continue to work on this later this week and will touch base to let you know how it is going. I am sure I will need some Rule Guidance...

Later, thx,



Well, I think I have made progress. Sales Tax works, Digital downloads have been working, I placed weights for the tangible, printed kits, set a high number (9999) for capacity and a flat fee of $2.50 to recoup cost of bubble wrap envelope or boxes.

Now, earlier in the process, I would get my cheapest option in the pull down, but that has now gone away??? Think this is my last glitch and not sure how I bungled that.

Thought I would let you have a look and guide me.

Thanks so much,


If you are referring to the options that appear in your cart, a separate option for the cheapest rate may not appear on its own if the cheapest rate is the same as the priority rate you're already displaying.

Thank you, yes, that is what I was noticing. Makes sense.

Thank you,
