15 / 15
Jun 2010

Hi, I am new to e-junkie.

I am trying to figure out how to set flat rate shipping options.

I have a flat rate for all U.S. delivery, and a different flat rate amount for international delivery.

How can I set this up?

Thank you,


  • created

    Feb '09
  • last reply

    Jun '10
  • 14


  • 1.8k


  • 6


  • 1


Please see the section on flat-rate Shipping calculation on our Shipping help page here:


If you need more specific directions, just reply here with a description of how you want your Shipping rates to add up, and we'll do our best to explain what's possible along those lines and how to set that up.

Thanks. That page is confusing to me.

We ship U.S. Flat Rate for $5.80 Priority

International orders ship Flat Rate $22.00 Priority

I am having a heck of a time trying to figure how to make this work.


Are those flat rates per-item, or for every X number of items, or for any whole-order regardless of how many items are ordered?

That is for the whole order, regardless of how many items ordered.

We offer free shipping on all additional items purchased in the same transaction.

Actually I need to bump up the International price, new pricing below:

U.S. Flat Rate for $5.80 Priority

International orders ship Flat Rate $29.00 Priority

  • Go into your E-junkie Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings;
  • If you are in the USA, delete your zipcode (this will disable any live USPS postal rate lookups);
  • Set your Domestic rate to 0.00 and Int'l rate to 1.00;
  • Set the Cost of a Regular Tube to 5.80 and set its Weight to 23.20;
  • Submit to save changes;
  • Configure each of your products with Shipping enabled, with a weight of 0.00, to be packaged in a Regular Tube, with a packing capacity of some absurdly high number like 9999.

    BTW, the reason we are using a Tube here (regardless of how you'll package the orders for real) is because our Shipping calculator can consolidate different products into a shared Container for calculation purposes if you specify Tubes, and the high packing capacity assures you would only ever add the (Weight x Rate) and Cost of one Regular Tube to any order.
7 months later

Hi Tyson.

I've got the exact same question, and since this hasn't been hit since February, I'm having a bit of trouble following the flow of your work here.

It seems I'm not allowed to leave the zip code blank and leave the main shipping screen.

The solution I need, which I'm able to accomplish for the US and Canada, is flat rate shipping for however many items get ordered.

$6.95 - US

$12.00 - Canada

$22.00 - Everywhere else.

I was able to accomplish this with no problem for those two, but if I use the same method for every other country, it seems I'm going to have to set up a separate rule for every country.

I'm just not finding the "domestic rate" or "Int'l" rate in my settings... other than choosing each individual country like I did for Canada.

Thanks for your help,


Actually... nevermind. I was able to figure this out and it seems to be working well. Thanks anyway, and I'm sure I'll be back with more questions. Thanks.

Glad to see you sorted it out. :^)

In case anyone else reading along here wonders, in the case of destination-based shipping rules, more-specific locations override general/unspecified locations. Your generalized international shipping would thus be set up for "All Countries", then you could set up specific rules for just your own country to set domestic rates/methods, and then make any other country-specific exceptions you wish.

5 months later

I have a similar issue-

My product costs 2.24 domestic for shipping

6.48 international

I cannot figure out how to apply this at all.... sorry! but im lost.

I am very new and the farthest i have come is just getting it to apply the domestic rate at the checkout



Go to Seller Admin>View/Edit/Delete Products:

Select a product and click Edit;

On the first screen, if Shipping/Buyer's Address is not checked there, tick that box and click Next until you can Submit changes;

Repeat this for all your products.

Go to Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings and set up the following:

Shipping Origin: select your country and enter your zipcode (if you're outside the US, just enter any 5-digit number);

Shipping Destinations: if you will only ship to certain countries, select them in the list, or otherwise select nothing for Worldwide shipping;

Leave all other settings blank or 0.00;

Click Next to save settings and proceed to the Shipping Rules screen.

In the Existing Shipping Rules menu, select and Delete anything you may have there.

Set up your first Shipping Rule for Domestic shipping:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Flat (regardless of order size) or Price Per Unit (for every item added to their order);

Shipping Amount: 2.24;

Country: Select your country;

Click Submit to save the Rule.

If you will ship Internationally at a different rate:

Shipping Rate Calculator: Flat (regardless of order size) or Price Per Unit (for every item added to their order);

Shipping Amount: 6.48;

Country: All Countries (i.e. Rest of the World);

Click Submit to save the Rule.

Click Back to Admin.

3 months later

Count me as one of the confused.

I went to my local post office and weighed my stuff.

product#1 one item with packaging 7.9 oz cost $2.07 1st class

two items with packaging 14.6 oz cost $4.90

three items with packaging 1 lb 5.4 oz cost $7.33

four items with packaging 1 lb 12.6 oz cost $7.33

product #2 one item with packaging 6.9 oz cost $1.95

two items with packaging 12.4 oz cost $2.93

three items with packaging 1 lb 2.8 oz cost $7.33

product 1 & 2 one each with packaging 13. 6 oz cost $4.90

now for my question: How do I set this up.

I figuire $1.00 for the handling:

I plan on sell discount to businesses and fundraisers but I don't want to get hit with shipping 50 books for $4.

So, in very simple English, how do I come up with a fair shipping schedule.

Product #1 weighs more than product #2

So how do I set up products #1 and #2 to cover the cost at one and two items and then maxes at $7.33 for 3 items and include the $1.00 handling.

I've tried playing around and looked through the forum stuff, but I got lost.

You guys must be bored with the same questions over and over again.



Hi Ron,

No worries, we're always glad to help out.

For this there are a couple of things you will need to do. First check on your products to make sure that:

1 - You've marked the "Shipping/Buyer's Address" box for each shippable product.

2 - You've entered the weight for each.

3 - You've declared a packaging type and packaging capacity for each.

Then go to Seller Admin > Edit E-junkie Cart Shipping Settings. On the first screen:

1 - Enter the country you are shipping from and your zip code (presuming US since you will be using the post office).

2 - Select the countries you are willing to ship to. You may want to limit this to other US buyers if you will be using the post office to ship your products.

3 - Enter the weight of the packaging type you are using for each product.

4 - Make sure that the Weight Unit Preference is set to Ounces.

5 - Enter 1.00 and Flat for the Handling charge.

Press Next to go to the shipping rule screen:

1 - Create your first rule by selecting USPS Cheapest as your Shipping Rate Calculator. This will default to 1st Class unless the products are too heavy, then it will switch to Priority. This should match up to the results you got from the post office.

2 - Set this rule to apply for orders that are between 1 and 15.99 ounces using the Min Weight/Max Weight settings.

This first rule will charge USPS rates for anything under a pound--which is approximately when your shipping will hit $7.33.

3 - Create a second rule, selecting Flat as your Shipping Rate Calculator. Set the amount to 7.33.

4 - Set the Min Weight for this rule to 16 and leave the Max Weight at zero--this means that there is no maximum limit.

This second rule will kick in when the buyer has selected around three products, judging by the weights you listed in your post.

Your $1.00 handling will be added to whatever rate your shipping rules produce, the maximum charge your buyer would have for shipping and handling in this set up would be $8.33 total.

Thanks Monster,

It worked but..........

When I kept the $1 handling charge and $1 for my packaging cost, then increased the number of books to 25, 50, 75 and 100, the price of the shipping also went up, maybe too much. Was this calculated by the uspa or my flat rate of 7.33?

When I took out the cost of the $1 packaging cost, the shipping stayed at $8.33 ( 7.33 flat fee plus $1 handling) for the same 25, 50, 75 and 100 books. Why was that.

I plan on playing around with the cost of handling and packaging cost to see if can come out with a happy medium.

I want the cost to go up the way uspa would go up if someone orders 1, 25, 50 or 100 books.

Then the flat fee of $7.33 would not be the correct one.

At what weight will the cost go up or can I adjust the flat rate to something else?

The $1 packaging cost is adding $1 for every package--if your products are all set to a packaging capacity of one our system thinks you need one package for each item and will add $75 to an order of 75 items.

If you just want to add $1 to orders use the handling charge and skip the packaging cost completely.

If you don't want $7.33 to be your max shipping rate, delete the second rule and remove the weight restrictions from your first rule. That first rule will just get quotes from USPS based on the total weight of each order including packaging so that you know what to expect when you take the physical items in to be shipped.