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Oct 2009

I've browsed thru the forums and help, but can't figure this one out on my own!

Currently I have a handling charge of $15, then a percentage discount get taken off the 15 depending on how much the item total price is. (ex. if customer's order is $.01-$25, they pay $3 shipping b/c a 20% discount gets added to the shipping)

This has been working great for domestic orders (US), but as I start to have international orders, the shipping is way off. Is there a way I can set another set of discounts just for international orders?

If not, what would you recommend?

I checked your account and saw that you did have one shipping rule setup. If you are using just the flat $15 for all shipping, then I would suggest removing this rule. To do this, go to Seller Admin>Edit E-junkie Cart Shipping Settings. Click the Next button to go to the rules page and once the rule has loaded go ahead and click delete.

I still don't know how I would set up something separate for Int'l using the same method.

Let me ask, how do you want your shipping to look for both domestic and international shipping?


if order total is $1-$25, then shipping is $4

$25.01-$50 : $6

$50.01-$100 : $9

$100.01-$200 : $12

$200.01+ : $15


if order total is $1-$25, shipping is $12

$25.01-$50 : $18

$50.01 - $100 : $27

$100.01 - $200 : $36

$200.01+ : $45


OK, this is easy to setup with our current shipping setup. And you will not need to have the flat $15 handling fee or the discount.

Go to Seller Admin>Edit E-junkie Cart Shipping Settings. Remove the flat $15 handling fee and then click Next to go to the Rules page. Use the Shipping Rate Calculator drop down menu and choose Flat, set the Flat Shipping Amount as 4.00, leave the Shipping Method Description blank. Then use the Country drop down to choose the US and place only a Max Item Total of 25.00. After that click Submit to save this shipping rule. Now for the second rule, you will once again choose Flat from the drop down menu and set the shipping amount as 6.00. once again set the country to US. This time you will need to put both a Min. Item Total and a Max Item Total, put the Min as 25.01 and the max as 50.00. Repeat this for your $9 and $12 flat rates, on the $15 flat rate only use a Min. Item Total of 200.01.

Setting up the International Shipping will be the same except for the flat amount and you will want to leave the country drop down set at All Countries. The more specific US rules will override any rules for all countries.

Once you have this set up you will also want to delete the discount by going to Seller Admin>Add/Edit E-junkie Cart Discounts.

Wow! Thank you so much for your help and fast response! It works great. (though there's no way I would have been able to figure that out myself!)

3 years later

I apparently made a change to my Seller Admin that prevents me from shipping products to Canada and overseas customers. This was working previously. My shipping rules haven't changed.

Please disregard previous post. I figured out the problem and made the correction.