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Jul 2013

Hello E-Junkie,

Thanks for helping on my e-commerce website, I think your product is great and unique, I don't know how I could manage without it.

I'm just starting to use your cart in my sandbox environment.

I have one question:

Can you use a flat base shipping on some products and a flat based shipping calculation with other products on the same account?



  • created

    Jul '13
  • last reply

    Jul '13
  • 7


  • 1.5k


  • 3


  • 4


This help page explains our shipping calculation settings in detail:


We'd be glad to provide more specific instructions if you could explain in detail how you want your shipping charges to be calculated. Our system uses an overall shipping calculation approach rather than product-specific shipping amounts, but there are ways you can set things up to achieve product-specific rates -- e.g., this help page explains how to set up per-item flat rates that vary among different products:


Thanks for your quick answer.

I will sell 20 products. Seventeen will be sold by weight calculation shipping but 3 will sold under a flat shipping charge.

But I saw this in the help for shipping:

In the Existing Shipping Rules menu, select and Delete any Rules you may have saved there.

But I already have rules for my weight based charges for some products, I don't want to delete them.

Can I use flat shipping charges for some products and weight based for others.

Is that possible ?

You might be able to do that if you set a Weight of 0 for the flat-rate products and assign each of them to use a Package Type which has a Cost defined in Cart Shipping Settings as equal to the flat rate you want to charge for that product. As long as you don't use those Package Types for your weight-based products and avoid using the Tube package types, this should work. Again, we'd be glad to provide more specific instructions if you could explain in detail how you want your shipping charges to be calculated.

This is because you have three shipping rules which all apply to US orders. Even though these rules are returning a $0 rate because the product has no weight, the cost of the packaging and your handling is being repeated as the result for each rule. If you trim out some of those rules you won't get this result, and the three rules which are applying are looking up the Priority rate, the Express rate and the Cheapest rate.

The "Cheapest" calculation just compares Priority and Express and returns the lowest of the two, so you do not need rules to also look up Priority and Express, you can safely delete those rules, use the Cheapest calculation to give the best shipping on products with weight, and return the packaging cost on the products which are not being charged by weight.

Hey Guys,

I'm getting better and starting to get the hang of it.

Except that I'm having problems now when adding two items, the shipping cost is too expensive.

Example: My third add to cart from the top on this page:


is $ 5.58 shipping to zip code 05401 and that is good

but when I enter a quantity of 2, I get $ 14.16 shipping charge, that is too much for a 22 oz.

Can you please help me on this one?



Hi Mario,

Your sandbox page isn't working but I was able to test from within your account and I was not able to duplicate the problem with the product you indicated (at least going by the source code of your sandbox page, I tested with the Obd2 Splitter Cable product, as well as some others).

I didn't get any unusually high costs for larger quantities or for mixing and matching products that use the same envelope type. Be sure that you have your packaging capacity set as high as possible so that we don't figure in unnecessary extra packages which will drive up the cost like this. Also be sure to use the same packaging type as much as possible among your weighted items or else extra packages will be added to the mix as well -- one item in a small envelope and one item in a regular envelope count as two envelopes and will get a larger cost from the post office as opposed to the same items in one envelope.