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Oct 2007

After the documentation overhaul last month, launching the forums was our next major goal and today we are done with it finally! So let's get started. Scribble, share or shoot, let's just keep it fun:)

  • created

    Oct '07
  • last reply

    Jul '08
  • 11


  • 1.4k


  • 2


  • 1


Cool, first one to post! :wink:

Congrats, i really enjoy your Shop! :wink: Nice stuff....

Np! :wink:

Just few notes, i tryied contacting your support but they just refered me to the FAQ pages etc..

Im a designer a sell webtemplates with help of your shop, i really enjoy it and like the features but what its lacking is an easy step by step tutorial on how to intregrate everything including the thank you / downloading page on my own site.

So when a user pays then he should be redirected and brought to my page with my own design etc...

I have tried to read those pages and find a sollution but it`s not easy for a designer (not a programmer) to do that...

2cent from me..

They must have referred you to the help page. The step by step tutorial to start selling is already at http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.sell.php

Once you have done that, you can move on to other things like customizing your thank you page etc.

However, if you want to use E-junkie's download link and show them on your own than you page .. there is no step by step procedure for something like that as that's not one of our features. That is more like twisting the system to fit your needs and you will need familiarity with the sysetm to achieve what you need.

9 months later