I've referred your suggestion to Development about the standard shipping address formatting on our thank-you pages. I can't estimate how soon they'd be able to get to that, but meanwhile you could duplicate the address in your preferred format by adding the following to your Common Thank-you Page HTML field (in E-junkie Dashboard under Manage Seller Account > Edit Preferences):
Ship to:<br>
[%city%], [%state%] [%zip%]<br>
[%country_full%] ([%country%])
Or, you could use our webhook integration method to transmit the order details to a script on your own server, which could then store or email or print that information in whatever format you wish -- e.g., the cgiemail script would use a template file (similar to our thank-you page/email templating) that you'd compose to plug the details into an email message of whatever format you wish.
You might also consider our Zapier integration (see link above) to send the details to a third-party service where you'd manage your shipping labels/invoicing.
As for the printing format, that's determined by the PDF "virtual printer" you choose when printing the page. It appears the current print dialog in Firefox will print the page with a minimal-sized logo if you choose Destination: Save to PDF rather than selecting any other PDF printer option for the Destination.