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May 2008

Whats the difference between the Fat Free Shopping Cart, and the one I'm using now (Free Trial until August). Is it just the Fat Free you have to write all those input values, and thats basically it?

  • created

    May '08
  • last reply

    May '09
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That is indeed the most significant difference; a paid E-junkie subscription (aka FatFreeCartPro) gives you our Seller Admin screens where you can configure your cart and product settings all in one easy interface, whereas the plain-jane FatFreeCart requires you to configure every detail by hand, for each individual product, right in the HTML source of your Web pages (where anyone can see them, if they want to). There are other things that a Pro subscription can do which the plain, non-Pro cart cannot.

If you need features like location-based sales tax, VAT and shipping calculation, packaging calculator, discounts, inventory management, digital delivery, price verification, affiliate management, managing buyer mailing list, central product management, promotion, accepting Authorize.Net etc. then you would want a subscription to E-junkie's FatFreeCartPro.

12 months later

Is it a big secret how much the FatFreeCartPro costs? I can't find a price anywhere, only a free trial offer! :slight_smile:

Right, but (and I think I'm not the only one confused about this?) is there a price difference between whatever the basic service is and FatFreePro? Or are they both the same pricing structure? (usually "pro" or enhanced services cost more, which is probably why this is confusing)

Perhaps you are confused about the difference between the FatFreeCart.com cart vs. the E-junkie cart (aka "FatFreeCart Pro")? Although the two carts appear similar to buyers and behave with the same fade-in overlay effect, they are actually two completely different and unrelated back-end systems underneath the superficially similar appearances.

FatFreeCart.com provides a very limited, basic service that we offer on a strictly do-it-yourself basis with no support whatsoever (that's one of the main reasons it's free :^), and all configuration is done by editing the button code placed in your page, similar to how PayPal's own cart buttons work. Upgrading from FatFreeCart.com to E-junkie cart would essentially require starting over from scratch and replacing all your button code, as the codes are entirely different and configuration is done in a completely different manner.

E-junkie is a monthly subscription-based service with a centralized Seller Admin panel in your own, private seller account on our server, where you would configure your products in an easy point'n'click interface, obtain tamper-proof button codes to place in your page, and manage the full range of other included features we describe here:


Okay.... so (I've almost got it, just bear with me)

What's the difference between....

1. whatever service I got when I just clicked "free trial" on your homepage and signed up, and got a very short two line piece of code to paste onto my site, and...

2. whatever it is that I seem to have also signed up for as a free trial (even though I now have a subscription) that is a substantially longer piece of code that is pasted onto my site?

The different lengths of code suggest a different service, but the first, shorter code that I originally used is the one I'm paying $5/month for already -- which leads me to wonder whether I will be paying more for the longer version of the code and if so, how much (because to get it, I had to sign up for another free trial of something).

If I'm being dense, please forgive me. :slight_smile:

When you registered for a login account on E-junkie, that started a fully-functional 7-day free trial period for the E-junkie cart service, for which you would need to start paying a monthly subscription fee to continue using after the initial 7 free days are over.

However, I don't quite follow what you meant about the various lengths of code or how you obtained them? If you happened to copy any code from FatFreeCart.com, that would be entirely incompatible with your E-junkie cart service.

Once you set up your products in E-junkie Seller Admin, we provide you with ready-made HTML codes for your cart buttons, so you would simply copy the Add to Cart and View Cart codes we provide and paste them into the HTML source of your own Web site pages, wherever you want our buttons to appear among your own layout, text and images.

Maybe you could reply with the URL of a page where you have pasted our button codes in, so we could examine the code examples there?

Hi again,

Okay, now I'm even more confused because you're right- - the codes are the same. But....

1. I tried to sign up for FatFreeCartPro, which seems different because it's advertised on your site as a different, ehanced version of your regular shopping cart. I clicked on the "try now" button on your homepage to try what I assumed was the upgrade to the "Pro" version in an attempt to get rid of the pop up "give us your email" screen that appears on my "regular" $5/month account.

And it worked. Although the codes are identical, it now seems that when someone buys off the site, the pop up email screen is gone.

So what happened? Where did that pop-up screen go and what's different and how much more am I paying for that difference?

And what is the difference between the Pro version and the regular version, because I'm not finding any information that tells me that!

I'm sorry if I'm confused, but this really isn't making any sense to me. Maybe it's the heat...

Now I'm the one confused! :^D

E-junkie is the exact, same thing as "FatFreeCart Pro" -- just two names for the same thing. I suppose technically we might say that "FatFreeCart Pro" is a specific name for just the shopping cart aspect of the complete E-junkie subscription service, rather than any sort of distinct, "different" service. We really only even use that term to entice users of the FatFreeCart.com service who like that cart's appearance and behavior but need more features and functionality than that do-it-yourself free cart can provide.

I don't recognize what popup asking for an email you're trying to describe? That doesn't sound like anything to do with E-junkie. Maybe you're talking about our Free Checkout for products priced at 0.00, and since then you have given your product settings an actual price?

If a buyer Adds to Cart such a free item priced at 0.00 and doesn't add any regular-price items to their cart, then we will show a Free Checkout button in the cart instead of a PayPal button. Clicking that Free Checkout button takes the buyer to a screen where we ask for their name and email before granting them access to their thank-you page with their download link and sending them a thank-you email with a link to that download page.

Thanks, Tyson. I think that makes sense. You are probably right about the free vs. paid and the pop up -- that would make sense.

I wasn't aware there was a free service, so that might be where I got tangled up. Thank you for sticking with me while I got up to speed!

Alexa :slight_smile: