I'm so confused on how I can still use e-junkie with the updates now required by FB to run ads. We have to verify our domains, but the domain shown is fatfreecartpro and not mine. I know this is because the thank you page is on your site and I know you have instructions on how to redirect to a page on your site but that requires scripting that I don't have/know how to do to pass the correct link according to your wiki.
I currently do not have the new thank you pages enabled, so my pixel is in the common thank you page HTML.. which is on your servers which is why it's showing as not mine.
My question is will using the new thank you pages and setting my FB pixel in the admin area take care of this issue? I really don't want to use the new thank you pages if I don't have to but I would if this is the only way.
ALSO, I think I am using the old code for add to cart etc.. does this matter at all for FB pixel tracking?
Thanks for any help you can provide.