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Jul 2008


I have run into a problem when my e-junkie cart pops up on my site it covers an embedded YouTube video. In doing so, the YouTube video rises above the cart and blocks a portion of it (BUT ONLY IN IE 7). I understand why YouTube wants this (so that I couldn't apply a mask to their videos) but obviously I need to change this. I was thinking that I would have the javascript onclick HTML DOM to change the CSS for the video to hidden (whilst the cart is open). Can I incorporate this with the javascript for the cart? I'm not much of a java coder, so do anyone have any suggestions on how to do it?

It would need to change the CSS onclick to hidden (for a specific div) and then back to visible after the cart is closed.

  • created

    Jul '08
  • last reply

    Apr '10
  • 4


  • 1.3k


  • 5


  • 4


10 months later

Any idea on how to do this with the Google Earth plugin code such as this:

<script src="http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://code.google.com/apis/kml/embed/tourgadget.xml&upkml_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.concept3d.com%2Feducation%2Fkmz%2Fmsp_09_nh.kmz&up_tour_index=1&up_tour_autoplay=0&up_show_navcontrols=1&up_show_buildings=1&up_show_terrain=1&up_show_roads=0&up_show_borders=0&up_type_mars=0&synd=open&w=500&h=370&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script>

Here is a test site with the problem:


The key thing with embedded, plugin-enabled content is to set the embedded object as "transparent", so that the HTML-based cart can "show through" the plugin content. In your case, you might need to consult Google Earth documentation or developer support to ask how to set their content as transparent in your page, so that a "lightbox-style" overlay (such as our cart) can show through the Google Earth content.

The test URL you linked does not appear to be available anymore, but I was able to put your sample Google Earth code on a test page of my own, and the cart appeared mostly fine there; except for an odd bit of the Google Earth content showing through the cart's header bar (where the cart's "Close" link normally appears), the rest of the cart showed up fine for me.

10 months later
StefanieI just answered your email, but I'll post the answer here too :)

Add the following parameter to the OBJECT tag:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

Add the following parameter to the EMBED tag:


Information on using Flash with E-Junkie can be found here:


thanks! this was exactly what i was looking for. =] it worked perfectly.