In recent days I received several emails from customers who did not receive their email after paying.Every time, they already received the receipt from Paypal. What's happening?
Sorry for the trouble, are these orders appearing in your transaction logs? You can check via Seller Admin > View/Download Transaction Logs. If the orders do appear there then we did send out emails according to your settings, and any download links or other information the buyer needs can be retrieved from the log by clicking on the transaction ID or product name.If the transactions do not appear there then that means we did not get notifications of the orders from PayPal. This troubleshooting page covers how to investigate and fix that problem:
Thanks. It probably was due to the fact I was experimenting with zapier and thus changed the URL in the IPN settings.If in the future I'd like to send the IPN notifications to both e-junkie and another site, how should I do?
E-junkie purchase buttons send our own IPN requirements to PayPal for each order, which overrides any manual IPN settings in your PayPal account for those orders. If you want us to forward the IPN data to another URL for additional needs once we're done processing the order, you can use our custom/third-party Integration feature for that: may also wish to contact Andrew at EasyE-junkie, an independent developer who has lately been developing some new third-party integration modules for E-junkie beyond those already listed here:
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