8 / 24
Jun 2008

I hope the change will allow for the larger sized subject to be sent instead of changing the text box to a smaller input size.

Side note, regarding blocking a transaction - I have asked many times before but never got any answers:

What is the blocking transaction ID? Is it an ebay transcation code, PayPal code or an e-junkie cart transaction number? It is listed on the blocking screen but do not know what it is.

lemonbarI hope the change will allow for the larger sized subject to be sent instead of changing the text box to a smaller input size.

That depends on how much our new programmer likes you :wink:

Jk .. of course we'll increase the subject length

lemonbarWhat is the blocking transaction ID? Is it an ebay transcation code, PayPal code or an e-junkie cart transaction number? It is listed on the blocking screen but do not know what it is.

It is your PayPal transaction ID or Google Checkout order number

Ok thanks for that answer.

Maybe put that and examples of each type of code on your blocking screen to help people understand what it is.

11 days later

When will this update happen? I need a longer title to be sent to my customers.

Are we able to use the e-junkie codes in the title such as customer email code or price codes, etc?

Along with the question above, can you also extend the length of the actual email allowed as well?

8 days later
E-junkieChefThanks for pointing this out. We will fix this in the next update (the coming weekend).Btw .. I wanted to acknowledge the fact that you have provided us some really valuable feedback in the past and two very important features related to sending codes were added thanks to your suggestions

Anybody going to answer this?

can you also answer thet otehr questions asked in this thread?

Anybody home?

Can I get an answer on this or is management in on Mars right now?



H E L L O O O O?

Yoo hooo, e-junkie, are you here?

Where are you hiding...

Where's my big stick!

did the e-junkie team get kidnapped?

I am getting worried they are all gone for many days now.

HELLO e-junkie support? Are you home?

Our apologies for the delay in completing this enhancement. We have now updated the size of the thank-you email subject field to store up to 100 characters. BTW, this limit only affects the number of chars you literally type into the thank-you Email Subject field; template substitution variables such as [%item_name%] can still expand the as-sent Subject line beyond 100 chars, so long as the un-substituted variable codes themselves and the rest of the subject text all fits within 100 chars. As soon as Robin gets his laptop back from the shop, we will be able to update the product config input field to restrict the number of characters you can type in that field accordingly.

FWIW, that ongoing laptop repair is a significant reason the "next planned incremental update" to E-junkie's codebase (which would have included this email subject enhancement) had been delayed, as all of Robin's dev software is installed on that lappy, and what was supposed to be a simple cooling-fan replacement with an ETR of less than a week has been dragged out for nearly a month by now (due mainly to HP sending the wrong parts!). Thanks for your patience and understanding.

did this get done yet and if so can you explain what is now possible.

im still looking for the extended message length and extended email length.

As announced above last week, we have implemented the extension of the email subject line that you requested, which now accommodates up to 100 characters as-typed into the Email Subject field of your Seller Admin product configs.

As for the Email Message body, we have no set limit, but the Admin screen does tend to gag on text input of more than 100kB or so; if you really need to send more text than that -- frankly, I've never even seen any real-world email message anywhere near that big that didn't have a file attachment -- we'd recommend doing so as either a File Download for that product or just provide a link in the email to a page on your site which has that boilerplate text on the page.

umm, does that mean that you guys didnt increase the email input size in the entry box?

even though it will take a larger email?

for some products we dont want customers to fool around with links. can this be increased like you mentioned it would be?


I tried putting this in the email subject line and it didnt replace the code. it just put that text.

What went wrong?

Hello, can I get some support on this question? This is a recent example of not getting replies.

If not here then what do I go for support?

Also, can someone answer the post: POSTED ON: June 18, 2008 @ 15:08

I'd be glad to respond, if only to say "I don't know" and perhaps speculate that it may have something to do with the parentheses around the substitution variable code? Have you tried it without parens, or with a [space] character between the parens and the variable code? Robin may have a more definitive answer to chip in here...

As for the email subject-line size, you can already type or paste up to 100 characters in there. Like any text-entry box where the field/buffer size exceeds the visible box size, the box contents just scroll to show whatever will fit within its width at a time, but everything you type is still in there even when you can't see it all at once.

You had never mentioned anything about increasing the actual message-body length in your earlier requests, but that is a hard technical limitation we cannot easily just remove or increase, since we are not arbitrarily limiting that field with any deliberate setting that we could just modify. Perhaps Flash won't take more than ~100k of user input, or perhaps it can't pass that much data to our backend, or perhaps there's something else entirely going on, but it may not be something we have any control over (if it's a Flash or interoperability limitation), and it's never been an issue for anyone until you brought it up and we discovered it was gagging around the 100k mark.

No matter what I try it doesnt work yet. Spaces, no spaces, brackets, no brackets, etc. The only thing I can get to go through seems to be item name. based on my experience it is not coded to check the other variables that I want. Can someone check into it?

As for email message length: 100K ? Do you mean 1000 characters and just typoed or do you mean 100,000 characters? I'm running a bit short but it sure isnt that long. Maybe 1000 characters. How many characters exactly in numbers only are you saying?

I'll leave the subject line substitution issue to Robin's superior expertise...

For the message body, sorry, I should have typed 100kB, as in 100,000 Bytes. We haven't identified an ~exact~ number of characters it will tolerate, just noticed that strange things start happening when the raw data going into that field gets near the 100kB mark. If you can save your message text in a Notepad .txt file, and if the resulting file size weighs less than 100kB (and the further below that mark, the better), then you should be fine pasting that text into the message body field.

my notepad says its 5kb so something aint right.

did you guys change it recently and just saying you didnt?

when i try to type more characters then it stops and/or starts deleting some - cant recall at the moment. i know i just past what i want in and it does end up cut of.

so what is the deal?