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Mar 2012

Its taken a while but I think I've finally nailed a problem that's been bugging me for a long time, the shop, when doing a free checkout, doesn't seem to pass properties that are provided at the time the product is added to the basket.

I have a deployed app and a test html page, which can hit ejunkie with appropriate fields, when viewing the basket I see "bla bla product text (thiskey: value) (thatkey:value)" as expected.

For some reason, when going to the shop in ejunkie, these values do not get passed along, and the keygen barfs, ie it doesn't work.

Can this be fixed, am I missing something!? Taking down the shop would be an option but...



I think I've found the problem causing this bug in product listings posted to the E-junkie Shop/Marketplace on our site, so I'm reporting this to Development for a fix.

OK, I'm also now not getting paid keygen calls, ugh. Can call keygen direct, not working at all through ejunkie, no server call logged, two for two arg :frowning: , again the need for feedback (WTF) in the event of failure is needed. things not working need to be up in lights not down to my gmail filter!

Andy, I did a quick test against your keygen and got a 500 in response, but I was just POSTing some bogus data so I'm going to assume that's a normal response from your script.

I'll stick in some debugging to see exactly what we're getting when we try to contact your keygen in real cases. Please open a ticket with support so we can track this issue and communicate private details.

We send out a notification email as a courtesy when we have trouble reaching external resources; however we do not take responsibility for monitoring resources that are out of our control...

The bug causing your first issue (option values not being passed properly from marketplace cart adds) should be fixed now. Sorry about that!


BTW, the point I was trying to make was that under failure conditions, that I would be notified specifically of that failure, with as much info as was available (even http error code), thereby notifying me by exception. I'm currently getting copied into everything, reviewing keygen response that have the words 'Please contact us to get the code(s)'. I'd rather not have to do that and just be told as/when a failure occurred.

Looking forward to fixing this all up, e-junkie is a great solution for me!

We have now fixed the bug in Marketplace/Shop cart button fields for products configured with "Variations which tell more about the product".

Regarding the keygen matter, I see you've also sent us an email with additional details, which I've assigned to Development for further research. Feel free to followup on that email with any additional details that may occur to you.

I found a couple recent Transaction IDs for paid orders lacking keys in your Transaction Log, but those orders appear to have been placed through your E-junkie Shop page, which had the bug we just fixed. I found the Txn IDs for today's test orders that failed to obtain a key, so Development is already researching those. Our system does send you an email notification whenever your keygen URL fails to respond or returns an unexpected HTTP status code; however, so far in these cases it appears the keygen URL is responding with HTTP 200 OK but not returning any actual output.

That's great, thanks for the update, I'll be testing in a couple of hours.

The diagnostic dump was invaluable in initially fixing up the keygen to process ejunkie data, though ideally, I'd like to be able to return an http error code that ejunkie could detect, and forward related messages to me, over and above the current notifications that go to users. The last thing I'd want is to return an error message in place of a key!

if your keygen script URL responds with anything other than an HTTP 200-class status response, the error notification we email to you would include the full HTTP error response details we received. To ensure you receive these messages, you may want to set up a Gmail filter so anything from:notifications@e-junkie.com is "Never sent to Spam".

Your email ticket on this matter is assigned to Development, so they should be able to investigate it further today.