1 / 6
Jul 2010


For the several hours, customer e-mails with our stored codes are not being sent upon payment. The customer is not receiving their code and we are not receiving our copy of the e-mail. We have also test sent numerous free codes to different e-mails and none are coming through either. My co-worker sells an identical product and he has confirmed the problem as well.


  • created

    Jul '10
  • last reply

    Jul '10
  • 5


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 1


I'm having exactly the same problem -- customer not receiving their download code, and me not getting the confirmation email.

I put in a call to the emergency/outage support line a moment ago. Hopefully this hiccup can be resolved soon.

A customer just confirmed that he received his download email, and I just received the associated notification email -- looks like all is well again.

It's fixed now. I just received an e-mail from support and they had a problem with one of their e-mail servers.
