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Mar 2014

I was using e-junkie's special GA code, listed here: 1http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.tracking.htm1

The problem is, it was not tracking page views, demographics, referrer keywords, GA segmenting, etc. If I use your code will I only be able to track ecommerce and no other GA data?

Can I put your code with the standard code?

I can't lose the other tracking data just to get sales data. I need to know where my customers are coming from, otherwise the sales data is meaningless.

Thanks for any ideas. I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to know, step-by-step, how to do this.

  • created

    Mar '14
  • last reply

    Mar '14
  • 8


  • 1.7k


  • 2


  • 6


Our version of the GA tracking code supports all the same basic functionality of Google's standard GA tracking code, though you won't be able to add optional extra functions that GA supports by adding parameters or other extra code to their standard tracking code.

Make sure to use our version of the GA code on every page of your site where you wish to use GA tracking at all (whether you have our Cart buttons on those pages or not), and do not mix-match our version of the GA code with Google's standard GA code or any other version of GA code, neither in the same page together nor across different pages.

I notice your "photoguides" page with E-junkie Cart buttons has two instances of standard GA code from Google, one up in the page HEAD and another at the end of the page, so you'd need to remove both of those. If your site happens to be using any plugins/add-ons (e.g., for WordPress or other such CMS platforms) that insert standard GA code in every page automatically, you'd need to remove/disable that.

Hi and thanks for the reply. The site you looked at is not the one I am working on.

I just had some sales today using your code. It seems that when using your GA code, it also does not show up in GA at all. So, for now, I will just use my own methods to track sales until we can find a better method.

If you could provide a link to the site you're working on with our version of the GA code in place, we can take a look for any problems there. There's no inherent reason why our GA code would fail to track traffic at all. If you'd rather not post the link publicly here, feel free to email us instead:


You can certainly do that if you prefer; by not using our GA code, all you'd give up is the ability to track cart button clicks and item-specific Ecommerce Tracking details -- the latter because I don't think there's a way to use our thank-you page template variables to insert item-specific order details in GA Ecommerce Tracking code where it would be necessary to make that work.

You may also find this help page of interest:


Ok, thanks. I just need to know gross $ spent and tie it back to the facebook add that sent it there (if applicable)

You can use the template variable [%gross%] in your E-junkie thank-you page customization fields to insert the order-total value wherever you require, even in the middle of some javascript, since the substitution occurs before we output the page to the buyer's browser which would run that JS. This help page explains more about customizing your E-junkie-generated thank-you pages:


If you're redirecting to a thank-you page URL on your site, custom scripting in your page can parse the page's own URL to obtain the 'gross' value from the query string we append to the end of your URL during the redirection. This help page explains more about Redirection and the other variables we append to your URL:


Thanks. Got it working today using the e-junkie thank-you page.