1 / 11
Jun 2009

I'm seeing some seriously long response times in e-junkie as of 12:00pm today, June 29, 2009. Is there something we should be aware of?

  • created

    Jun '09
  • last reply

    Jun '09
  • 10


  • 1.4k


  • 4


  • 1


I've seen the same thing - my order volum dropped since noon-ish EST, and the front page of e-junkie sported a nifty looking "offline, back in an hour" page around 4:00pm EST - anything we should be aware of?

Yeah...been having trouble with the code not working either. Seems like whenever I try to paste text into the items box, I always have to go back and hit return after every line, even though there are already carriage returns in the text. I am also getting Japanese characters in the right click contextual menu when trying to copy to paste into my pages.

Mark, I always have that problem when pasting from a Mac. Despite e-junkie's many positives, the worst part about e-junkie is the admin interface, hands down. The variants text box is a tiny little area in which to work with a bunch of quirky keystroke and copy/paste behaviors that I have yet to nail down. Site seems to be responding now for me, though. I wonder what happened.

I hear ya...gets really frustrating and it takes twice as long to set up a product than it should. And then on some occasions, I go back to edit the code in the variants area and it is all screwed up and I have to fix it again. The admin area should be functional to the point where you can copy and paste from a simple text file and not have to worry about it and then have to go back in and manually fix it.

So glad to hear I'm not the only one with that problem.

Do you think it may be a Mac thing? I have a couple PC (ughhhh) laptops at home but so prefer doing all of my work on my Macs....

Regarding the unfortunate matter of Mac text-pasting behavior, it's not us, though we wish it was, so we could actually do something about it. There is a known bug with Adobe's Flash Player 10 plugin for Mac browsers, where it loses any manual "hard return" linebreaks from pasted-in text:


There is nothing we can do to fix or workaround that problem in the way it affects our Seller Admin, and we're just as frustrated by this problem as you are. As soon as Adobe fixes this bug in their Flash plugin, linebreaks in pasted text will suddenly start working fine again for Mac users who upgrade their Flash plugin to use the latest bugfixed version. Until then, we can only recommend borrowing a PC to paste-in preformatted text, or just type-in the hard returns manually, which (last we read) ~should~ still work fine, as the bug apparently only affects pasted text.

As for the other issues today, apparently something interrupted database commits-in-progress, so some transactions that were in the middle of being processed by our system at that precise moment failed to complete fully. We were down for a few minutes while we fixed that issue, which also seems to have fixed the puzzling sluggishness issue we were seeing earlier today, so we're keeping a close eye on things for now in case of any further High Weirdness. We've been running data-reconciliation routines to get things back in sync, so any unlogged transactions should show up by later tonight, if not already by now. If any digital-product sales went unfulfilled because of that glitch, you can fulfill those orders manually by using your Seller Admin > "Send free download link/codes". We do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

Can a person roll back to Flash 9 plugin and eliminate the problem until Adobe figures this out?

Tyson...any reason you can think of that when I right click to copy to code, I am getting a menu with a Japanese font?


There'd be nothing from our end causing the Japanese menus. See if your browser has a language or text/character encoding option selected as Japanese (may be in a main menu or a preferences/options panel), which your Flash plugin may be picking up.