16 / 19
Jul 2008

I just spent a few hours setting your program up - I am using iweb. here are the problems

1. add to cart - opens up in separate window

2. view cart - when you click on it - it not only does not open but it vanishes? so you can't see your cart

3. buy now - opens in another window

I tried to put add and view together in web widget box but that didnt' work either.

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    Jan '09
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Tried to put it directly on page (didn't work) and iwebmore was developed for previous iweb versions - iweb 08 has its own web widget (works the same as iweb more - do you know of any clients using iweb)

2 months later

Has anyone figured out how to do it in iWeb '08? The information is not very complete; even using both buttons or extra software does not help. If anyone has gotten it to work for them, please let me know. Thanks!

9 days later

I did manage to get it working (http://kouroshdini.com/Music/All1Music.html). Here's how:

1 - I published in iWeb using the e-junkie html in the widgets provided to a folder on my desktop. I replaced this code in the file later, but this will at least let you view how things will look like.

2 - Using a code editor (I like TextWrangler, which is a free editor), I opened the main pages that were published, which look like: -- pagename.html

3 - I found the e-junkie button code between <iframe></iframe> tags.

4- I then replaced that code with the direct code provided by e-junkie.

5 - Finally, I uploaded all of the files to the server.

That should do it. The only drawback is that each time you publish from iWeb, you'll have to go through the above steps to change it back. This should work as it did for me. I hope it helps!


- K

25 days later
8 days later

Thanks! I'll try that this afternoon. Kourosh, do you upload it to the dotmac servers, or do you have someone else hosting your site?

dad, I have someone else hosting my site (totalchoicehosting.com). It's likely it would work on the dotmac servers, but I don't know for certain.

Glad it worked gptvan. :-)


3 months later

have tried the above but can't seem to get this working in iweb '08, i cant seem to find the view cart button code : ( in textwrangler)

i can't find anything resembling to code that e-junkie have provided me. any tips?

have tried the above but can't seem to get this working in iweb '08, i cant seem to find the view cart button code : ( in textwrangler)

i can't find anything resembling to code that e-junkie have provided me. any tips?

Hey shell,

You won't find anything that looks like e-junkie's code. iWeb seems to completely change it. Use the find function in textwrangler to find "iframe" and replace all of that, including the <iframe> tags, with e-junkie code, even though you supplied the code earlier in the design process. Hope this helps.


Also, I've noticed since i last posted that some pages will not work as above, but I haven't figured out how or why. The only thing i noticed different was that I have a movie (http://music.kouroshdini.com/Music/Videoand_Free_mp3.html) on the page and it doesn't do the pop-up thing though the download works. It also doesn't seem to register on the same cart that the other pages do when I navigate to other items. If anyone can figure this one out and post it, I'd appreciate it.

- Kourosh

do i have to do the same for the add to cart buttons as well?

Yes. Each button will need to be replaced with code.

Ah - one more thing that I just remembered - the page seems to act differently if you do not include a "View Cart" button. If you experience problems, this might be another issue to consider (i.e. add a View Cart button if it wasn't there prior and see if that improves the situation).

I gather that iWeb08 now provides some sort of expert/raw HTML editing mode/setting that the earlier versions of iWeb did not, so if this is accurate, it may now be possible to integrate our code into an iWeb site by using iWeb entirely and without resorting to re-editing your page in another program.

I haven't dealt with an iWeb-maintained site in a while, but IIRC, I think only the View Cart code needs to be manually pasted-in to avoid iWeb's IFRAME problem with our cart. Offhand, I can't remember if this is because iWeb only puts code snippets into an IFRAME if they have raw JavaScript in them (which View Cart does and Add to Cart does not), or if it actually IFRAMEs all code snippets but that only causes a problem with the View Cart code, but the upshot is the same -- View Cart code cannot work as an IFRAME'd code snippet and must go directly into the raw source of the page itself.

Hi Tyson,

iWeb presents a button to enter your own code and then drag the code in the WYSIWYG editor. In the html markup, it says for my "Bliss Gardens" page:

<iframe id="widget0-frame" src=".//Bliss_Gardens_files/widget1_markup.html" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

This calls up a separate file "widget1_markup.html" which says:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

<html><head><title></title></head><body>{e-junkie code}</body></html>

where {e-junkie code} is the actual code.

For some reason, this confuses the system and unless the code is directly entered into the original page, the pop-up mechanism does not work and sometimes things do not get added to the cart correctly.

- Kourosh


What you describe is correct, and because the View Cart code must reside in the page code itself, not in an IFRAME that refers to the View Cart code in a separate file, the cart cannot work properly (what is really happening there is that the cart is trying to display inside the tiny IFRAME that's only as big as the View Cart button itself, which is why the button seems to disappear -- the cart is covering it up in there!).

I had read that iWeb08 finally added a way to edit the raw page code directly, but this is secondhand knowledge, so I may be mistaken.

5 months later

I have been using iweb 08 and using the web widget, took out the image for the view cart from the e-junkie code, and just used the code for the cart in the web widget. The only thing is - it doesn't create an iframe, and when I click on it, it doesn't pop up in a separate window. I've changed all the iframes within the page and this is my last step. Everything else works except for this. HELP!

It may be best to email the URL where you have your page up with our button code so we can take a look. :slight_smile: