7 / 7
May 2009

As many do, I have the "View Cart" in the header of the page, and the following line of javascript placed right under the image code causes the entire page to hang quite often due to slow load times:

<script src='http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

I moved the code right before the </body> tag for now, but does anyone else have a problem with that?

FYI, my VPS is located in New Jersey and I am using a high-speed connection in Pennsylvania.

  • created

    Apr '09
  • last reply

    May '09
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I am having problems too.. maybe different than yours because I wouldnt call it slow loading, but rather endless loading, the page actually comes up pretty fast. But it never stops reading from ejunkie.com. I put all of the images and the box.js on my server to see if that helped but it still sent out a request to ejunkie that infinitely loops.

zedI am having problems too.. maybe different than yours because I wouldnt call it slow loading, but rather endless loading, the page actually comes up pretty fast. But it never stops reading from ejunkie.com. I put all of the images and the box.js on my server to see if that helped but it still sent out a request to ejunkie that infinitely loops.

Yes, the infinite loop happens to me too. E-junkie seems to work fine, but my server continues to communicate with e-junkie.com for an indefinite period of time. I thought it was just me, but I checked some of the sites in the client list and same thing there.

First, you should try to make sure the box.js line always occurs together with the other script lines in our standard View Cart code like so:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; }

// -->


<script src='http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

Also, while the problems you describe are unusual and don't ordinarily happen for most visitors using your site with an E-junkie cart, there's always the chance of ISP and general network routing issues that could be causing weird behavior unrelated to our own operations. When anyone's browser loads your page with E-junkie cart button codes, their browser first has to contact your main Web site's server to get your page, and then it has to contact our server to obtain the button images and our box.js script file, and their browser continues to communicate with our end whenever they interact with the cart itself.

At any moment, there could be network congestion or other routing glitches across the Internet between the user's ISP and our datacenter that do not affect their ISP's network routing to your main Web site server. Meanwhile, most other users with a different ISP or located in a different geographical area probably wouldn't encounter the same connectivity glitches, so their browser going through their ISP would be able to reach both our datacenter and your site's server without any problems.

1 month later

Hi Tyson, Thanks for the response. I do have my scripts ok and I tried hosting the images and js myself but it is still spinning... any other ideas ?

We aren't receiving any other reports of similar behavior. We strongly recommend against hosting a copy of our box.js file, as you would miss any feature upgrades or bug fixes we implement; using our standard code with the remote call to box.js on our server ensures your site is always running the most current E-junkie cart.

However, if you are still seeing a problem with the cart even while hosting the box.js on your own server strictly for testing purposes, then must be some problem with your page, or possibly even a problem with your computer or the browser you're using.

Internet Explorer in particular can often throw a fit if your page's HTML is malformed when trying to use our code. We'd need the URL of a live page where you're testing our code to have a look at what might be going on there. Speaking of which, you'd also need to be testing our code on a live page with a working Internet connection; our cart will not work properly on an offline or local copy of a page. If all else fails, you may simply want to go with the non-javascript version of our button codes, which would open the cart in a popup window/tab.

Thanks Tyson. Ok, I am just testing in Firefox for now as I have the bad habit of designing in Firefox and then later testing in IE versions.. leads me to assume if it doesnt work in FF it wont work in anything else. Turns out it works great in IE even v 6.0

Maybe it is just this computer as you suggested... hopefully. Thanks again for your time and this looks like it will be a great solution for me!