Hi, this is my first day with E-Junkie and I'm very pleased with the level of service and features there is to offer. However, I am hoping to integrate this service with my eBay auctions. I have a few questions for that.
1. When I first tested delivery of the digital download via email, it appeared in my Gmail spam folder. I believe this is because E-Junkie spoofs the email address, and is coming from a different host. Is there a way to prevent these delivery emails from hitting my spam box?
2. I currently process my sales through eBay manually, and have to wake up to processing over 30 orders which can be a pain. I know that e-Junkie can send my buyers instant emails automatically, but does it also mark the transaction as shipped, and/or leave positive feedback?
3. Is there a way where people completes a BIN eBay transaction, to be redirected to the e-junkie digital delivery page?
4. For the people that already integrates digital/unique/code downloads via eBay, do buyers often inquire about not receiving the item, or having it be lost in spam/junk folders?
How do you guys do it when working with eBay?