The complaints tend to come in waves, but we regularly have people tell us that the download doesn't work. I.e., that it just fails. I've always been a little suspicious when people say this, figuring their poor computer skills have something to do with the snafu...
But I've actually experienced the "download hang" myself this morning when I sent myself (at home) a link to grab an incorporation kit for free, tried to download, and now (maybe twenty minutes later) find myself still wating...
I assume this could have something to do with the problems that amazon has had with some of its cloud server farms, etc. But I guess my practical question is, what's the right way to deal with this. Is there anything we can do as e-junkie users to improve performance? (I'm assuming not.)
Also, is there anything we should suggest to buyers (other than a refund) that works? (E.g., can we tell people to wait an hour.)