We are a non-profit that is going to start using e-junkie to collect donations online, but I have a couple questions.
1. For a product where the buyer can select their own price, is there a way to pre-populate the price field without having a minimum amount? i.e. Tickets to an event with a suggested donation of $10. I'd like the field to start at $10, but I would also like someone to be able to reduce it to $0 if that is the only way they could come.
2. For donations, is there a way that a donor could select a gift to receive? There are different gifts for different donation amounts, so we could just use a product variant for that. But, I would like to create a minimum amount for different gifts. If you give at level 1 you get widget1, but if you give at level 2 you get widget 2 but could opt for widget 1 if you like it better. I'd like a drop down menu to select from, but maybe a text field where they enter what they want would be better.