22 / 35
Nov 2009

Currently, it appears that both Add to Cart buttons and your lower View Cart button on that page are showing the cart properly as an overlay. BTW, since you have our View Cart SCRIPT lines placed separately up in your header template, your code for the actual View Cart buttons down in the page only needs to have the first half of the full View Cart code, from <a href...> to </a>.

2 months later

Thanks for the quick response:) I will go through it

1 month later

I have successfully created "add to cart" buttons for standard products, without variants or size options, but am having an issue with products that offer a drop-down list or with size options with a new wordpress.com site.

Is it possible to have product drop-down menus on WordPress?

Please advise...

As long as you can paste our HTML code to Wordpress it will work, unless the code is being altered by Wordpress. Are the drop downs not showing up? Are they not letting you select options? What is the specific issue you are having?

As long as you can paste our HTML code in to your Wordpress site, then it should work, unless Wordpress is altering the code. What specifically is the issue you are having? Are the drop downs not showing up? Are they not allowing you to select options?

Based on the images you provided Wordpress is altering our code. You will need to contact Wordpress about how to enter in the complete code and not have it changed when you save your posting.

Hi Everyone...

I know so much has been written about this WordPress/e-junkie button issue. I've read it all and maybe it's just that I'm worn out from reading and trying. I could sure use some help because I'm so close. Got the buttons to work, but can't get them to align correctly. Biggest issues is on this page http://panicattackology.net/our-mentoring. And it's a minor issue on this one http://panicattackology.net/mp3s. I'm posting same on WordPress forum. I'm sure all will be fine, just need some help getting over the hump.

Well, I suppose that's good news. I'll do some more digging, and I appreciate you at least having a look.

1 year later

Ok, so it looks like this thread is 2 years old, but I am still having the same problem with wp-ejunkie plugin. The page is emergencyseedbank.com and I can't get the code to make the lightbox effect. I have even tried just copy pasting the code straight into the template files, with no avail. Any suggestions?

Sumguy, your site doesn't appear to be built on WordPress, so the "WP E-junkie" plugin will not do anything for your site.

Instead, you can just use the standard method of adding E-junkie Cart button codes to your site, by copying the ready-made button codes we provide and pasting them into your pages' source code. See this help for details that should also clear up the matter of getting the overlay-style cart to appear "inside" your pages:


The site really is built using wordpress. The theme right now hides the post data, so that I can use it for an ecommerce site. I have tried following the manual installation directions as well, and haven't been able to get the lightbox to work.

Strange, there doesn't appear to be anything in your site's source code indicating it has anything to do with WordPress, and even WP-based ecommerce sites that don't use the blog-post format still typically show quite a lot of references to WP resources in their pages' source code.

I can only wonder if maybe your site developer used WP to generate the initial page code for your site, but then exported and modified those pages independently of WP, so they're not actively generated or managed by the WP software anymore? WP plugins only work with sites that are currently using WP actively to manage their content and generate their page output.

We did not develop the WP E-junkie plugin, so we don't really know much about it and would recommend contacting the person who developed and maintains the plugin, through the contact page on his site:


4 months later

Hello, I'm having difficulty in wordpress. I have tried to copy and paste the html code into the blog post I'm working on and it just won't paste. It doesn't show up at all. I've tried the non-javascript code also and it wouldn't paste either.

Any insight into why this would happen? Thanks!

It sounds like WP may be mangling or even deleting your button code after you paste it in. Make sure you are using an editor plugin that lets you edit the raw HTML code of your posts, and try saving your post directly from the HTML view after you paste the button code, without switching back to the visual mode first.

See this help page (particularly the WordPress section) for some helpful tips:


This page provides some additional troubleshooting tips for WP you may find useful:
