I am trying to figure out how to display the query string parameters that are passed along with purchase on my wordpress website. I am fairly new to html and php but not a complete novice. I do not understand javascript.

A previous thread suggested searching for javascript + query string parameters. I've spent about three hours and have not come across a solution that shows any sign of working. Most explain how to parse the query string but there is not explanation of how to display the variables on the webpage.

In addition, some solutions use php but that requires changing page templates in wordpress. It seems that there has to be some simple code that will allow me to read the variables from the URL and display them on the webpage in various forms.

Can someone help steer me in the right direction on this?

  • created

    Nov '10
  • last reply

    Nov '10
  • 1


  • 1.0k


  • 2


  • 1
