6 / 6
Mar 2010


I'm trying to set up a flat 50% discount for the magazine section of my site, and I know that to do that I have to take a set amount off each product rather than a %, but the discount only works on one item in the basket.

If they buy one mag, they get it half price, but if they buy 4, only one has the discount.

Can you please help?


You will need to create either a discount for all products in the cart or, one for each individual product. There is not a way to create a discount that works for a select group of products.

So if I have 8 magazines for sale, I'll need to create 8 different discount codes?

That's not good at all. How can I ask customers to put in 8 different discount codes? Is this something you're going to fix in future updates?

You could give all discounts the same Discount Code, so entering that code just once in the buyer's cart would apply the discount to all items in the cart which have a discount matching that code. Just bear in mind you'd need to give each discount a unique Discount Name in your Seller Admin, since that's how we distinguish one discount from another.

So I'd have to put in a discount code in every magazine?

The mags are two prices, £2.50 and £3, so I'd have 2 codes, say 'halfprice1' for £1.25 and 'halfprice2' for £1.50? But both could be redemmed using the same promo code 'halfprice'?

That's correct, as long as you give the discounts separate names they can all be redeemed with the same code.