4 / 5
Mar 2009

Anybody knows if its possible to create a discount system based on previous customer purchase history? Essentially rewarding loyal customers with an automatic discount based on amount of previous sales?

Anybody know if this is possible and/or an upcoming feature?

  • created

    Mar '09
  • last reply

    Mar '09
  • 4


  • 1.0k


  • 2


We don't have any way to accomplish what you describe automatically, and I have not heard any discussion from Development about adding such a feature, but we can take note and add your request to our wishlist.

Currently, you could just manually create a secret Cart Discount code that you could send to any VIP buyers whom you've identified from the Transaction Log as having done frequent/spendy business volumes with you.

Thanks for an excellent suggestion. But how do you identify VIP buyers from the transaction log?

Go to Seller Admin > View/Download Transaction Log, change the date range (defaults to show only the past month, but you can go all the way back to 2006 if you want) and View Log, then Download Log. Once you unzip the downloaded file, you can open the log in a spreadsheet program like Excel, or free alternatives like OpenOffice or Gnumeric, and sort by the Payer Email column (for frequent shoppers) or Amount (for big spenders).

Thank you once again. I would LOVE to have that functionality inside of the web-environment, since it seems a little redundant having to download it and manually have to identify people and then write them back manually - when it could be all automated. I realize its easier said then done, but would be an amazing future feature, since it allows the store to serve its customers with more precision.

Anyway ... thanks for taking your time man and wish/pray/hope - you guys would create feature that allows for more customer customization like this.

Best - Troels