10 / 11
Apr 2021

I had a product I was testing adding a shipping option as a way to add a surcharge, but have since decided against that. I think in the meantime, you updated the shipping page. So now I don't see a way to disable shipping prompts (zip code entry) for that product in my admin pages. It may be there, but I may be a blind squirrel.

  • created

    Dec '11
  • last reply

    Apr '21
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To remove the zip code field from your E-junkie Shopping Cart, you would need to edit your products and disable both Shipping and Sales Tax from your products. To do that go to Seller Admin>View/Edit/Delete Products, select a product and click Edit. Once the page opens remove any check marks you have in either Shipping/Buyer's Address and Sales Tax, VAT. After you remove those check marks, click Next until you can Submit the changes. You will need to do this on each of your products.

But I would like to get the buyer's address for future mailings. In a previous exchange I asked how to do that and was told to check the Shipping/Buyer's address box. We don't actually ship any product - tickets are held at the box office, so it's confusing to the buyer as to why that box is there.

I'm sorry, but if you want to collect the buyers address there is not going to be a way to not have the zip code box in the shopping cart.

Please recognize that as a problem and consider changing it in a future release.


We'll add that to our wishlist for consideration as a new refinement in the future. We've at least already discussed suppressing the ZIP/postal code field when no Tax nor Shipping settings that apply to an order would require one.

If you don't get many multi-item orders and aren't using Variants/Variations, you might consider using our Buy Now rather than Cart button codes, as those would bypass the cart and take the buyer directly to instant checkout for just one item at a time. In that case, the Shipping/Buyer's Address setting would trigger collection of an address during checkout without applying any shipping calculation in the cart beforehand, since our cart would not be involved at all. If you'd at least need a way for buyers to specify an item quantity with Buy Now buttons, we can suggest an approach for that.

Thanks for the suggestion, but hopefully folks will be buying more than one ticket at a time. With the EJEJC_multiAdd(orderarray) function I can have them select several seats, even for several shows. So thank you for that and I'll cheer on the suppression of the zip code field.

4 months later

Did the ability to get addresses without the shipping prompt ever make from the wishlist to reality?

I'm sorry, but at this time the zip code is still going to be required in the cart when a product is setup to collect shipping.

8 years later

Hi, I sell digital courses and I don't need anything exept minimal information on my shpping card, no company, address, phone, etc ...
I disabled both Shipping and Sales Tax frboth Shipping and Sales Tax from your productsom your products by removing the check marks, but still the information keeps appearing in the card. What would you recommend?

If you're accepting direct card payments, most of the card payment gateways we support will always require buyers to enter their Billing Address to verify their identity as the legitimate card holder. Stripe is the only card payment gateway we support that does not require a Billing Address.