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Oct 2012

Google Wallet wants to know with my API integration, do I want....I copied their pop up info so I could show you what they are asking for. So, do I want unsigned, or signed encrypted? BELOW is what I copied in regards to the question they are asking me.

Unsigned carts

Digital signatures allow Google to authenticate the shopping cart you send and verify that your cart hasn't been tampered with during transmission. Google will reject unsigned carts by default unless you edit your account security settings to accept unsigned carts.

If you choose not to have Google reject carts without digital signatures, we recommend that you review the item prices in the orders you receive before processing them to ensure their validity.

To change your settings to accept unsigned carts:

Sign in to your account.

Click the Settings tab.

Click Integration.

Under 'Shopping cart post security,' uncheck the box next to ‘My company will only post digitally signed carts.’

Click Save.

  • created

    Oct '12
  • last reply

    Oct '12
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Yes I read that page you indicate and every other page related to google integration. It was only that one question your pages did not cover. Thanks for the answer. I searched all your pages with those relevant key words to no avail. I wish you could add that answer you gave me to the page you offered me.


While we do send digitally-signed carts to Google Checkout, it will also work just fine with that setting disabled, in which case they would just ignore the digital signature we send.

Generally, for the sake of clarity and simplicity, our integration instructions don't cover any settings that you don't need to change from their default values, or which are irrelevant to us and work just as well regardless of how they're set.