2 / 4
Mar 2011

Because of the issue with non-redirects associated with PayPal accounts (PayPal won't redirect after the sale - reference this thread 1http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/4984/pg/0/?s1=e03d84&s2=79f18017#post170361) and the lack of any resolution on their part about that, I switched to 2Checkout as an alternate. I registered for a "demo" account and went through the setup procedure required by E-Junkie to do this.

When testing the application I successfully made a purchase through the 2Checkout process however upon the direction to "click here to confirm your order", I was met with an E-Junkie web page that read "Argh! We were unable to locate the page you were trying to load."

Is this because E-Junkie cannot process these transactions when using a payment processor's "demo" mode, as explained at the bottom of this thread http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/3343 or is this the result of a different problem?

In order for me to fully test this payment and fulfillment process do I need to actually 'sign up' at 2Checkout? Thanks for your help.

  • created

    Mar '11
  • last reply

    Mar '11
  • 3


  • 1.2k


  • 2


  • 5


Yes, our system does not support the test/demo/sandbox mode of any payment processor; we can only process orders for actual, live payments. This help page explains how to integrate 2CO with E-junkie:


You might also consider adding Google Checkout, which would probably be the easiest and most flexible option to add. Buyers who don't have a GC account would simply provide their billing info just like a regular card-based checkout, along with their email address and choice of password. That will automatically create a GC account for them as part of that checkout, so the next time they use Google Checkout, they can just enter their email and password to use their billing info already stored in that account from the first time. This page explains how to set up Google Checkout:


Thanks for the quick response.

The only reason I didn't go with Google Checkout is because I just recently saw a statistic that showed that only a very small percentage of people have/use that method of payment. The fact that they have to generate a password also seems to be an obstacle (if only slight) to a streamlined payment process.

Ultimately I'm just looking for the simplest, most streamlined experience for the buying customer, one that allows them to use a credit card without necessarily having to be a member of a checkout program like PayPal or Google Checkout. I appreciate the input however.

Given that it doesn't look like the PayPal situation is going to be resolved any time soon (since it's been ongoing since mid-Feb) I'm open to any suggestions. I'm just looking to sell a simple ebook and since I do a fair amount of buying on the web myself, I appreciate and am looking for an easy approach for my buying customers.

One more question if I may; Can I change payment processors at any time, like I did today going from PayPal to 2Checkout? Is it just a matter of changing the profile information? Thanks again for the help.

You can even choose to accept payments via more than one method and let each buyer choose their own preferred checkout method; our standard Cart buttons will show a separate checkout button in the cart for each payment service you've set up (among those that support cart checkouts), or you can offer separate Buy Now buttons for each checkout method you want to offer for each product. This help page covers all the payment options we support:


I think the stats on Google Checkout are more a matter of limited adoption by sellers as compared against the widespread juggernaut that is PayPal, rather than any reticence on the part of buyers about using Google Checkout or other non-PayPal checkout methods. Given a choice between PayPal or GC, buyers who already have a PayPal account may prefer to go with what they know, but I wouldn't anticipate that GC being presented as the only payment option in the absence of any PayPal option would present much of a deterrent, if any whatsoever. Also, buyers new to GC don't even have to "generate" a password; it's just one extra field among their other card-based billing details on the checkout screen, which they can fill with whatever password they'd prefer to use.