1 / 7
Apr 2010

I have a bundled product from several of my downloads. The bundle sells for 199.99 and I'd like to offer a 25% discount for the rest of the month. I have set it up, but the area where you select flat rate or percentaged is grayed out and right now says flat rate. So, I am confused, do I put in $50.00 for the flat rate discount which is the 25%, or will that actually cause it to offer 50%? I tried emailing e-junkie but haven't heard back so I fogured this might be quicker as I have people lined up waiting to purchase:)

  • created

    Apr '10
  • last reply

    Apr '10
  • 6


  • 918


  • 4


  • 1


Does no one have the answer??? I've read through the tutorials but need to make sure.

PS- Is there a way to create a BUY NOW affiliate button code? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER :slight_smile:

Product-specific discounts can only mark down the per-unit price of the product by a flat amount. Only discounts for "All Cart Items" (i.e., discounts that apply to the full cart total) can take a percentage or single flat amount off the order total. If you wanted a product-specific discount that would take 25% off a regular price of 199.99, you'd actually set the discount to take $50.00 off the price.

If you want to offer affiliates a link code that allows buyers to purchase directly from the affiliate's site instead of just referring buyers to your own product page, you would use product-specific affiliate settings to enable a Direct Link for that product. This would be in Seller Admin > Setup product-specific affiliate programs > Select a product and click Edit Affiliate Settings > Affiliates links will link directly to E-junkie Cart. Although buyers would be placing their order from the affiliate's page, the buyer is still paying you directly in full and actually purchasing from you as if they'd used your own E-junkie purchase button, and you'd still pay out commissions earned as usual.

This help page explains more about how our affiliate system works:


Thanx Mr. Guru:) So I am assuming I have it correct is I just put 50.00 in the box (wouldn't allow a $ sign) and the other box was grayed out and set to flat rate.

Also for the affiliate, it looks as if its one or the other. Either it links to my spalsh page or I can set it sdo they can add a BUY NOW button code. Is this correct? If so, why not offer both options?

Actually, you can set up all the different alternatives in your affiliate settings, providing your affiliates with a choice between a common hop link that just goes to your page, product specific links, AND Buy Now button code to purchase a specific product. None of those are exclusive from each other.

Yeah I am a dork, I figured that out after writing my last reply, haha. Thanx again:)