7 / 7
Mar 2012

How can I modify the font colors, boldface, etc on the customized HTML Thank You email and download page? I also want to include an image of my logo on both places.

I've tried to bold something but that doesn't work. I've tried [color=#222222][/color] to change the color and that doesn't work either. As for image, I've tried and again, all I get is the code, no image.

I know this is probably a really stupid question but I want to modify the email and thank you page more. Would someone please tell me what I need to be doing differently?

  • created

    Nov '07
  • last reply

    Mar '12
  • 6


  • 1.3k


  • 5


  • 3


Okay, I finally figured out how to add HTML using Coda for the HTML Thank You page.

However, I could never get the templated email option to accept HTML. Whenever I added HTML coding like I included on the Thank You/Download page, the email included all of the coding in plain text -- not exactly what I was hoping for.

Until someone can clue me in on the limitations of the email, I've just added a few plain sentences to the VERY boring standard email the E-junkie sends out.

The email we send out is text and the reason for that is that we don't want our emails to get stuck in spam filters.

It's a tradeoff betwen beauty and functionality.

That makes sense. May I make a suggestion that you explain that in your documentation AND on the Admin screens that talk about templated emails. Perhaps I'm the only one who didn't understand you couldn't add HTML to the templated emails or optional email messaging boxes, but I'm guessing not.

3 years later

Are HTML emails still restricted as of Aug 2011?

I agree. I think there should be an HTML option for emails. I order from different websites about 2-3 times a day. They all have nicely formatted HTML emails. Not one has been in my spam folder.

I would be willing to tell the customer to check their spam folder if they have not received it.

No way to produce a properly formatted invoice. For many of my customers, PayPal receipts are unacceptable to them as they do not provide detailed info about the product, only merchant transaction info.

+1 on HTML Thank You emails

Not so much "restricted", as we simply don't have any way to send HTML formatted emails in such a way that they will be recognized as HTML at the receiving end, rather than just displaying the raw HTML code to the recipient, since email programs and sites don't just automatically recognize the presence of HTML in a message and interpret that accordingly. Adding support for HTML email is on our wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature at some point in the future.

Meanwhile, since that previous post from 2007, we have split the customization help page for Thank-you Emails and Thank-you Pages into two separate help pages, to make it clearer which formatting features with work with each one.



HTML will of course work fine in your Thank-you Pages, and this help page gives tips for using that to format your Thank-you Pages as an invoice suitable for saving or printing:


7 months later

+1 to HTML email support. There must be a way to get HTML recognized in an email client since it happens for me every day all day. Please take another look at this when you can.