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May 2014

I have an affiliate who would like me to create a message promoting my product that she can send out. She would also like me to include a button with HER affiliate link.

How do I get a button created that has her affiliate link? or can I?

(I am one of her affiliates also. It isn't that she doesn't know how to create a button, she is just super busy so I'm trying to help and in turn get a message sent to her mailing list.)

  • created

    May '14
  • last reply

    May '14
  • 3


  • 1.9k


  • 2


  • 2



Creating a clickable button is a very simple bit of HTML coding:

<a href="[affiliate link URL]"><img src="[button image URL]"></a>

The information you need is her affiliate link, which is available from her account. It isn't something you can look up yourself but if she's provided it to you then you're good to go.

We provide that link to the affiliate in a set of HTML code that is ready to go to make it into a clickable text link, all you need out of that code is the address in quotation marks, which would go into the same place in the code above.

She might be able to just get that URL herself and give it to you, or she might give you the entire block of HTML code that contains it. This help page explains exactly what to look for in the code:


As for the button image URL, you will need to provide that yourself by uploading an image and providing its address where indicated. Be sure that the address starts off with http:// or else it will not work as expected if the code is used anywhere else but the same site where the image was uploaded.

I think you have answered my question in that I can't really do this for her in that I don't have and can't get her affiliate link. (I tried to figure this out myself by looking at some of the affiliate links I use for her products and comparing them to mine. I think I know her number but I'm afraid I won't get it right, if I try to substitute cl numbers and create this code myself.)

We just want the standard buy now button so no fancy button image.

It sounds like it will just as easy for her to login and copy the affiliate link into her e-mail message as I do when I'm promoting her products.

I'd like to save her time with this but it doesn't look like that is really possible


It sounds like what you might really need is what we call a direct link that allows the affiliate to put a purchase button for your cart directly on their site rather than just sending traffic to you. You can set this up on your end by following the instructions for Direct Links here:


Once you allow that in your account then your affiliate can get the complete code from us for a purchase button instead of just a link, so we'll be providing the usual button image ourselves. The sale goes straight to your account as if it happened on your own site but the affiliate will automatically get credit when that button is used.