1 / 7
Dec 2007

We set up some e-com on a blog, http://www.beagirltodayblog.com , and the client is reporting continued problems with IE users. It appears to be mostly in 6, but we're not sure as we're not getting all the info we should.

The problems tend to be about putting multiple products in the shopping cart.

Are other people have problems w/IE? What workarounds are you using? Would anyone be willing to look at the source code and see if we have a problem?


  • created

    Dec '07
  • last reply

    Dec '07
  • 6


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 5


I think the correct URL is http://www.beagirltoday.com/

I noticed the store URL's domain is www.beagirlblog.com which is fine except that you are calling it in a frame from beagirltoday.com which is a different domain.

Either the page called in the frame should be from the same domain as the parent frame or you should not run the store in a frame.

I have checked the site in IE6 (via tredosoft.com's Multiple_IE installation) and the cart will not retain any products once the cart window is closed whether I go in via beagirltoday.com(frameset) or beagirlblog.com. Could this be anything other than a cookie issue?

It all seems to work fine in IE7 and FireFox with cookies enabled. A cookie test in IE6 reveals that cookies are not enabled. Unfortunately trying to turn them on usng tredosofts multiple IE installation cause IE to crash, so I don't readily have a way to test both domains in IE6 with cookies on.

What are the options for alerting customers who don't have cookies enabled for whatever reason?


If a buyer does not have cookies enabled, they can't use our cart or any cart whatsoever.

Just a word of caution about why you should not use a cart hosted on domain A in a frame hosted on site B. Cart will not work in this case if user has cookie settings set to accept cookies only from the current domain.