I plan to sell two items: wristbands and a book. Buyers will be able to buy either of them or both, in any quantity.
Because the wristbands are an odd shape, the post office says they need to be mailed at the parcel rate - $2.62 for 1 oz (same as the ejunkie button in the example cart).
When I tried to set the shipping to figure by weight, however, I can only get the first class letter rate to show up (47 cents), not the parcel rate.
The second item weighs 12 oz. It can ship at the large envelope rate, where a single item would be $3.25.
I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how I can combine these in a single cart, but I don't know the best way to do it. If I could get everything to ship by weight, using the Parcels rate, that would be good. But I can't seem to get it to do that.
I've also tried flat rates, but it doesn't work for both options very well.
Any ideas?
Oct '16
last reply
Oct '16
- 4
- 1.4k
- 2