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Sep 2010

Something seems to have changed in the last several weeks. I can't say exactly when, but as near as I can test, my common notification url is not being sent transaction details anymore. It worked fine last month and the code (inetsale.asp) had not changed from July. I've been testing like crazy the last two days, so it's different now, but I really need find out where the problem lies - with you or with me. We're getting multiple sales of the same item because our database is not getting updated by that page.

Sort of in a panic here and need to know how to test or where to look. Should I try to use the individual sale item notification url instead?



By any chance are you the same Dave we've been emailing with about this issue?

If not, make sure you've configured your Common Notification URL and/or Payment Variable Information URL field(s) with a complete URL starting with "http://". Also, since those fields already have "http://" in them by default as a hint, make sure you haven't duplicated that part (e.g. by pasting your full URL after the existing "http://"). If your URL fails to respond at all, you should get an email notification of that sent to your E-junkie login email address; if you are not getting such notifications, then your URL is actually responding, so the question then becomes a matter of what your script is doing with the data we're POSTing to it.

If you are the same Dave we've been emailing about this issue, now we're a bit confused because your post here is from a different E-junkie account than the one we've been looking at based on your email correspondence, so which account is the one having the problems with our Integration feature? We should probably just continue communicating by email, since we're up to the point of exchanging sensitive information like affected Transaction IDs and your actual Integration URLs, which really shouldn't be posted publicly here.

I don't think I'm the Dave in question. I'm sorry if my signature confused things. Our account is under bfjack as he is the box office manager - I'm just the programmer guy who has to make things work.

My Common Notification was working fine all through July and August and just this last week and a half has started acting up. We do get occasional notices that e-junkie cannot connect when the site is up and working - at least from the end users point of view. So why e-junkie cannot connect is a mystery - the url hasn't changed.

Is there any way to simulate the POSTing process for testing purposes? Is it safe to assume that if a free purchase goes through that a paid one would too?

Ah, sorry for confusing you with the other Dave, then. :^)

bfjackMy Common Notification was working fine all through July and August and just this last week and a half has started acting up. We do get occasional notices that e-junkie cannot connect when the site is up and working - at least from the end users point of view. So why e-junkie cannot connect is a mystery - the url hasn't changed.

Hm, if things were working fine before, haven't been touched, and then spontaneously started going awry, that suggests an issue has arisen with the host where your script is running, presumably the same as the seller's own Web site host, possibly just a change in their backbone networking provisions which degraded connectivity along the path across the Internet between their datacenter and ours. Our service automatically sends an email notice to the seller's E-junkie login email whenever your Notification URL fails to respond.

Is there any way to simulate the POSTing process for testing purposes? Is it safe to assume that if a free purchase goes through that a paid one would too?

We'd use exactly the same function to notify your script URL after a Free Checkout as we would after any paid checkout, so that would be a valid test. If you can get it to POST at all even once, that indicates things are fine at our end; moreover, if things weren't fine at our end, we'd be getting reports from everybody since ours is a centrally-managed service where all our functions are shared in common among all users. Any glitches or flakiness in submitting to your script would then be a matter of whether a connection across the Internet to your server can be established, and whether it can respond, on a consistent and reliable basis.

I get no response at the site when I POST a free transaction. I even simplified the asp page you go to to just update a record so the date stamp of the database changes. Checking back, the only time we got a failure to respond notice was during the hiccup you had on Sunday.

I tried also entering a response link for a particular product to see if that worked any differently, but no.

I have a trouble ticket in at my hosting provider to ask if they are in any way blocking messages from e-junkie.

At this point I don't know where the trouble lies, I'm just posting this to keep you informed.

Should have known - there was a problem with a function declared before the main code started that was blowing the page out. So even when I simplified the main code, the page wasn't getting executed. Score one against me.

Just glad to hear you apparently got it sorted out. Let us know if you have any further problems or questions. :^)