I'm using the Buy Now link for a 1-day promotion and the code generator url is not catching the sent info:

If using a Buy Now link, what is the value of item_cart_position? I ask because I'm using item_cart_position to process the incoming data.

Here is the current PHP that determines which item to process:

switch ($POST['itemcart_position']) {

case '1':

if ($_POST['quantity1']) {

if ($POST['itemnumber1'] == 67594)

$max_quantity = 1 * $_POST['quantity1'];

else if ($POST['itemnumber1'] == 71286)

$max_quantity = 3 * $_POST['quantity1'];



I've tried adding another else if statement with the Buy Now item_number1 but it's still not working. How can I catch a Buy Now link in PHP?