3 / 24
Nov 2007


I have a bit of a problem to get an automatic code generator going

I got a php script hosted on my own server

At E-junkie I enter the URL to this php file in the code generator file input field

I enabled template email

Then according to the helpfiles e-junkie is supposed to add the newly created username and password into the email sent to the customer.

It's this last part i don't get, how does e-junkie retrieve the created info from the php script on my server, and how does it somehow automatically put these details in the email send to the customer?

What I try to do is that the customer will receive one email from e-junkie with the download link + registration information + instructions



I obviously misread the "template instructions" I disabled the "templated email" and it's working, got an email with proper reg code, download link + instructions, just need to polish the email a bit.

Can you explain how this technically works, as I simply don't understand how you can get the reg info back?

Also eventually, I will move the php script in a more secure area on my host, need to read/learn a bit more about this, but it might be something that has restricted access, will this have an impact on e-junkie accesing and retrieving the data?



If you move the script to an inaccessible area, our server will not be able to access it. However, on our integration page you'll see we pass a "handshake" variable using which you can ensure that it's e-junkie which is calling your script.

As for how it works, well we take the transaction data, send it to the URL you have entered, read what your script writes out and send it to the buyer. Simple stuff really :slight_smile:

All going smoothly 2 small questions

1) How can I unselect a single product off the list of products that is advertised under

Try our other products: which becomes visible at the final download page. I can select a product, more then one products, but not unselect a single product, if only one product is selected in the list.

2) After the 4.5MB file has been downloaded it's somehow renamed from afssb.exe to kb.exe or something similar to that extend, it's not a filename i'm familar with but when i install the program it does install the right program though




  2. Downloaded file is named after the product name or the uploaded file name depending on what's smaller. If you are getting a totally random name, that's something weird goign on and please send a download link to customer support and it'll be checked out ASAP

Sent two emails to

-- edited out by admin ---

They include screenprints which should explain where the odd name is originated from


Making good progress, am working on the handshake now.

Where exactly should I put the code that generates the keycode in the handshake script?

if ($POST['handshake']!==md5("your@login.email".md5("youre-junkie_password"))) {


}else {

echo md5($POST['payeremail']."some secret string");



take out the dummy line in else { } construct and replace with your actual code.

Thanks that is done as well.

My last question. I also sell the 5 products in one single package deal.

I can add the downloads, and that works great, but how do I send the the 5 registration codes to the user as there is only one url that can be entered, when I select generated codes?

To do this must I create a new php script that generates the 5 codes at once, and put them in a single email. Same as with the individual products.



5 months later


I'm selling Time Attendance software with license on number of employee. E.g Customer with 100 employees need to purchase 100 licenses. He can purchase more license later when he hire more employee.

So I want to ask the customer (whether he is new customer or not). If it is old customer, he need to enter Existing Registration Code and our system will not generate New Key for him. And system will update existing account in our SQL database.

My problem is to validate Existing Registration Code with our existing records in SQL database.

I mean the code, customer enter is valid or not before Add Cart.

I have server side code for this validation. But I don't know how to apply it in Add Cart click?

Please help


When I try "send thank you email, download link, code", I receive the following email.

What is the html code in email? How can I remove it?

Dear Customer1,

Here is your registration key for ABCD Software:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >


Untitled Page



<form name="form1" method="post" action="EjunkieKeyGenerator.aspx" id="form1">

<input type="hidden" name="VIEWSTATE" id="VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUJNzgzNDMwNTMzZGQ3W+nOUi7BIL5JLoaZMQonrAOP/g==" />






That is the output of your keygen. You should fix it so that the only thing it outputs is the code.

9 months later


I want to use e-junkie to sell a downloadable file. I want to make sure that each buyer can only download the product onto his computer and use it on that machine. In other words, I want to make sure that people aren't downloading my file once, then copying it and giving it to all of their friends with the same activation code.

My question is, does your activation/license key process prevent this sort of thing? I couldn't find any information on your site that described exactly how the process works. Please explain in detail so that I can make an informed decision as to whether this solution will work for my business.

Thanks in advance!

The codes we can issue are just that, codes only. It would be up to you to build some sort of security mechanism into the file itself, which could possibly require a code to unlock, and then you can use our Send Codes feature to issue each buyer an unlocking/registraton code with their download link.

If you are selling eBooks, we are aware of a couple suitable solutions and have instructions to integrate them with E-junkie here:


Hi, thanks for you reply. Actually I am not selling an ebook. I am selling an executable program file (software) which would be very tempting for users to duplicate and share with their co-workers and friends. So your reg codes don't do any sort of check to ensure that they are only used one time? Users are able to use the same reg code to unlock the software on multiple computers?

We don't have any system to generate or check the codes we issue for you. We only provide the buyer with whatever codes you choose to provide, so it's up to you to generate and check those codes in whatever manner you choose.

You can either Send Stored Codes, where you provide us with a list of pre-generated codes, and we issue one code to each buyer, or you can Send Generated Codes, where we would hit your keygen URL to obtain whatever code it generates for us to issue to the buyer.

Once the buyer downloads your file and obtains whatever code we issue to them, the rest is out of our hands. If your file is a software app, then that type of file would typically have its own, built-in routine to request a code, check it for validity against your own online database, register it as "taken" so another copy of the file can't validate the same code, etc.

3 months later
E-junkieChefIf you move the script to an inaccessible area, our server will not be able to access it. However, on our integration page you'll see we pass a "handshake" variable using which you can ensure that it's e-junkie which is calling your script.

As for how it works, well we take the transaction data, send it to the URL you have entered, read what your script writes out and send it to the buyer. Simple stuff really :)