I have added my product and customized it accordingly in seller admin, however, when I do a test purchase from my website, after payment via pay pal, I get redirected to my "purchase complete" page. This is what I want, and the customer to fill out the form, and submit it. So all is well at this point.
Now when I check the email from the account I used to purchase it I get 3 emails. The first is the receipt which is normal. Then I get two emails from my website (generated by E-Junkie). The first one reads:
"Please click the link below to complete your purchase..."
along with
"Please note, this link is temporary and will expire one you use it...."
When I click the link it brings be back to the redirect page of "purchase complete" where the customer fulls out their needs, but I don't want this as they have already been redirected to the purchase complete page after checkout was complete. They are able to be directed because in the seller admin, I click "View, Edit, Delete Products", then I click the desired product, click edit, then have "redirection" checked off. When I click "next" I then add my websites "purchase complete" page to the redirection url.
Then the second email is:
"Thank you for your purchase. Your invoice ID is...."
along with
"You can view your order details at..."
and that link also brings me back to the "purchase complete" page I made for customers to fill out their needs. If there something I am doing wrong here with the redirect? I can try and explain it in more detail but I'm sure this makes sense.