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Sep 2008

Indeed, I love that trick. I actually just gave a copy away with one of our contests :slight_smile: You can also link directly to products by 'copy' & 'pasting' the links in the drop-down box that says "link to this page".

Sometimes helps confusion when linking :slight_smile: Glad to see you enjoy our site. If you don't mind, do you mind leaving us some feedback on the design, style, and layout on the thread posted at: http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/2830 ?


Im definitely going to order at least 3 of those tricks now - which I think the prices are too cheap by the way. Maybe those that are involved in magic know where to get things a low price, shop around etc, but from a non-magician perspective and the fact I get to see the video of what it does makes it work much more.

Deck of cards, magic book and colored box. Very cool! Not sure if I can actually make the trick happen or not but its too cheap to pass up! Im hooked!

Heh, the biggest thing is our site is for magicians. You will not find a better price on the internet. We even beat Ebay shops and sellers with our pricing. We offer our products so cheap because we are dedicated to giving back to the magic community.

As for the 'being able to do the trick' part, the biggest advice I can give you is practice before you show anyone. There is nothing more disappointing then learning a trick, practicing for a day, then showing someone and sucking at it. So make sure, if you order a trick, you open it up and practice secretively for a week or two. I don't mean one or two days, I am talking about 2 hours a day for 2-6 weeks. Make it so you can do the trick in your sleep... Then when you unleash it you hit everyone with a solid effect that blows their mind.

I see magicians giving up all the time due to this fact, but it's something that must be practiced a LOT!

Thanks for your enthusiasm and I hope you enjoy the rest we have to offer!

I may have to invest in some of these magic cards! Although I will brag that I can do a card trick with a non-trick deck of cards. :wink: