Our serial number Generator and Validators are case-sensitive; it looks like E-Junkie is sending the as-entered name (including the customer's caps) when calling our site for a Serial, but then "correctly" caps the Thank You email.

For instance, a customer recently entered her name "first last" instead of "First Last." E-junkie passes "first last" to our generator's URL, but then emails the customer "Registered to: First Last".

We've also had a customer enter his name FIRST LAST, and had the email go out "First Last," so a caps transform is happening somewhere in the e-junkie system.

Can we disable that somehow, or perhaps have a variable to put in the template that reflects exactly how the user entered their name?

  • created

    Mar '08
  • last reply

    Mar '08
  • 1


  • 1.4k


  • 2


I see the issue. Basically, the data we get from PayPal is sent to the keygen as-it-is. However, the data shown to the buyer is slightly formatted so that it does not appear weird (like an all lower case or an all upper case name).

I will recommend that when your keygen outputs the key, it should output the registered name as well so you will have complete control over the registration details.

I hope that makes sense.