We ran a promotion and our users are getting this error:

Cart Error: Free Checkout will be available again on August 10, 2016 @ 00:00 MST

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What is this and how can it be rectified?

  • created

    Aug '16
  • last reply

    Aug '16
  • 1


  • 1.4k


  • 2


  • 2


That indicates you have reached the daily Free Checkouts limit for your subscription plan:


To raise that limit, you can temporarily upgrade to a larger plan; this help page explains how:


Once you approve the upgrade, the new plan limits will take effect almost immediately, but you won't pay the higher price until your next monthly payment is due (on the 26th in your case) -- in fact, if you redowngrade before that date, you won't wind up paying the higher price at all.