First, just to clarify terminology, a hop link is what an affiliate uses to refer buyers to your site, so your own site would not have any hop links, on a sales page or elsewhere. Your site only needs to have E-junkie Cart or Buy Now buttons that buyers would use to purchase your products, and an affiliate sign-up link that new affiliates would use to join your program. Your affiliates can obtain a Common hop link, which would typically redirect buyers to your homepage or main shopping page, and/or product-specific hop links which redirect buyers to the sales page featuring that particular product.
When a buyer clicks a hop link, we set a referral cookie in their browser which expires in 6 months, then redirect them to your landing page for that link; any purchase that buyer makes from you during the lifespan of that cookie would associate the referring affiliate with that sale. Regardless of which kind of hop link a buyer follows, the referring affiliate would earn your product-specific share % on any items purchased which have one, or your Common share % on any other purchased items.
It would not really be in your affiliate's interest to have a hop link that refers buyers to your affiliate recruitment/information page, as affiliates earn nothing by referring other affiliates to join your program. They would really want their hop links redirecting to a sales page where buyers can actually purchase something from you. That said, you could create a dummy product and setup a product-specific hop link for it which redirects to your affiliate info/recruiting page, and this would otherwise work like any other hop link referral as explained above.
This help page explains our affiliate system and related settings in detail:
We also have a help page for affiliates, explaining our system from their perspective: